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作者:mobydick (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:326) 发表:2009-10-02 21:59:58  421楼
那种是Executive Condominium的顶限
Executive Condominiums十年之后,会变成私人房产。

EA是Executive Apartment,是HDB Flat面积很大的一种。两种房产是不同性质的。
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作者:dover (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:743) 发表:2009-10-03 08:21:30  422楼
那种是Executive Condominium的顶限Executive Condominiums十年之后,会变成私人房产。 EA是Executive Apartment,是HDB Flat面积很大的一种。两种房产是不同性质的。
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作者:把酒祝东风 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1105) 发表:2009-10-08 13:37:16  423楼
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作者:把酒祝东风 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1105) 发表:2009-10-08 13:38:48  424楼
请问买二手公寓,夫妻只有一人在新加坡我一个人在新加坡买二手公寓。老公在国外,比如澳洲。 需要老公的贷款- 他在某银行工作,可以远程搞定新加坡的贷款。 需要老公的CPF全启动- 他需要来新吗?还是我可以带他办事? 还有就是签了6个星期后拿钥匙,我不在新加坡的话,可以直接转帐,然后朋友代劳拿钥匙吗?然后直接交给中介出租? 其实我就是想问,我一个人在新加坡从给定金到签OTP (或是exercise purchase)后,可以离开新加坡吗?
你只要在律师事务所签一个POWER OF ATTORNEY, 之后什么事都不用你管了
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作者:把酒祝东风 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1105) 发表:2009-10-08 13:40:23  425楼
问大牛:房子已经放了定金,可是两人还没有ROM请问最迟可以什么时候ROM? 据说1st appoitment的时候只要告诉他们ROM的日子就可以了,然后日子可以再改。是真的吗? 谢谢
需要在拿到钥匙后3个月内提供你ROM CERT给BRANCH OFFICE.
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作者:Elsa (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:2242) 发表:2009-10-09 12:27:48  426楼
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作者:wenf (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:78) 发表:2009-10-10 00:04:56  427楼
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作者:把酒祝东风 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1105) 发表:2009-10-10 11:40:12  428楼
请问东风兄,适合单身人士居住的小户型condo的信息应该去哪里找呢?能不能找到300k左右的呢?一个人供个小户型condo是不是压力很大啊。。 不想为了买房而结婚,但是上次问过一个房屋经纪结论是一个人供不起,心灰意冷啊!
当然要看你想要的地点, 还有你的预算.
但是300K是找不到的. 最近市场上推出一个新项目, 400K左右能买到小单位, 但是面积非常非常小.
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作者:Love小白兔 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:99) 发表:2009-10-11 20:06:04  429楼

或者说自己找到朋友出租出去,风险大吗? 会有人不停来查吗?
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作者:偶然冒泡 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1343) 发表:2009-10-11 20:43:50  430楼
二手组屋买后立即全套出租,风险多大?如果说能证明给HDB家人都必须在国外工作一年呢? 或者说自己找到朋友出租出去,风险大吗? 会有人不停来查吗?

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作者:Love小白兔 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:99) 发表:2009-10-11 21:21:19  431楼
违法的事情,还是别做了吧查你们护照不就知道你们是否出国了?轻则律师信通知罚款;重则收回HDB。 租给朋友,如果邻居看了不爽去HDB查你,还是一样。
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作者:偶然冒泡 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1343) 发表:2009-10-11 22:15:07  432楼
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作者:michamy (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:62) 发表:2009-10-12 00:56:18  433楼
Exercise OTP的时候交了4%的支票开给卖方的律师,今天发现已经从银行账户提走了,这是正常的么?不是应该押在律师那里?
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作者:housewife (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:958) 发表:2009-10-12 10:52:55  434楼
问:买二手公寓的一个问题Exercise OTP的时候交了4%的支票开给卖方的律师,今天发现已经从银行账户提走了,这是正常的么?不是应该押在律师那里?
August 12, 2009 Wednesday

Law firms to lose right to hold property deal money

Ministry seeks feedback on proposals to protect buyers and sellers

By K.C. Vijayan, Law Correspondent

ALL payments for property deals will in future be held by the Singapore Academy of Law (SAL) or commercial banks, and not law firms.

General details of how this will work were released by the Law Ministry yesterday as it sought public feedback on a final solution to the longstanding problem of lawyers running off with their clients' money.

In the last five years, rogue lawyers have absconded with almost $20 million in funds meant for property transactions, and held in client accounts in law firms.

The Law Ministry's proposals were sparked by the need to protect monies entrusted to lawyers by buyers and sellers of properties.

For instance in 2007, a 47-year-old woman who sold her property for $740,000 and hoped to use the gains of $200,000 to get out of bankruptcy, came to grief when the lawyer she hired, Zulkifli Amin, skipped town with her money.

It was part of a $6 million loot he had stolen from conveyancing transactions entrusted to him to handle.

The case showed that earlier moves to safeguard such deposit monies were inadequate.

After rogue lawyer David Rasif fled with $11 million in 2006, the rules were changed so that at least two lawyers had to sign off on cheques withdrawing more than $5,000 from clients' accounts.

Despite this, Zulkifli still managed to disappear with $6 million in November 2007.

The Law Ministry's recommendations will stop lawyers from handling monies meant for property deals altogether and provide for punishments if the rules are breached.

Property buyers and sellers will not be inconvenienced.

The SAL takes over the role of the law firm in holding the deposit, which it pays out in due course.

Clients do not have to deal with the academy directly.

The moves follow the recommendations of a review committee appointed by Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong and chaired by Justice V.K. Rajah last year. A team headed by Senior Counsel Wong Meng Meng then worked out the implementation.

Under the current system, a prospective buyer gives a cheque for the deposit on the transaction price to the seller's law firm once he has exercised his option to buy. The money is kept in the client's account for 12 to 14 weeks while lawyers work to complete the sale, and then it is released to the seller.

In future, the cheque will be replaced by a cashier's order payable to the SAL which the buyer's lawyer can forward directly to the academy.

The balance of the sale price will also be paid by cashier's order - to the seller, the lawyer for his legal fees, and the property agent for his commission.

While the SAL will be the main body to hold the conveyancing deposits, the ministry is in talks with local banks such as UOB, OCBC and DBS to provide the service.

A spokesman for heavyweight firm WongPartnership said the proposed changes would have minimal impact on the conveyancing transactions of large law firms, which already have 'stringent measures' in place.

It should even reduce administrative work, said Ms Edna Lim, a lawyer from a small firm, Jing Quee & Chin Joo.

'While the details have yet to be established, there would be no inconvenience if the firm's role is to forward the cashier's order to SAL on the client's behalf,' she said.

Lawyer Amolat Singh noted that the changes would be an enlargement of the SAL's role, which now holds deposits paid by owners of new homes, worth about 5 per cent, to guarantee against defects in construction.

The funds are released to the developer only a year after owners have taken occupancy.

A Law Society spokesman said the society would be responding to the recommendations.

The public may view further details at the Law Ministry's website at www.minlaw.gov.sg .

Feedback may be faxed to 6332-8842 or e-mailed to MLAW_Consultation

@mlaw.gov.sg by Aug 26.

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作者:michamy (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:62) 发表:2009-10-12 11:27:07  435楼
律师取了。钱压在律师那里,不是支票压在律师那里所以出过几个案子律师把钱卷走了。 August 12, 2009 Wednesday Law firms to lose right to hold property deal money Ministry seeks feedback on proposals to protect buyers and sellers By K.C. Vijayan, Law Correspondent ALL payments for property deals will in future be held by the Singapore Academy of Law (SAL) or commercial banks, and not law firms. General details of how this will work were released by the Law Ministry yesterday as it sought public feedback on a final solution to the longstanding problem of lawyers running off with their clients' money. In the last five years, rogue lawyers have absconded with almost $20 million in funds meant for property transactions, and held in client accounts in law firms. The Law Ministry's proposals were sparked by the need to protect monies entrusted to lawyers by buyers and sellers of properties. For instance in 2007, a 47-year-old woman who sold her property for $740,000 and hoped to use the gains of $200,000 to get (more...)
但是取现押在律师这里是common practice吧。
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作者:housewife (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:958) 发表:2009-10-12 13:45:25  436楼
还有这种事情,怕怕啊。但是取现押在律师这里是common practice吧。
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作者:把酒祝东风 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1105) 发表:2009-10-13 22:04:31  437楼
问:买二手公寓的一个问题Exercise OTP的时候交了4%的支票开给卖方的律师,今天发现已经从银行账户提走了,这是正常的么?不是应该押在律师那里?
目前新加坡的法律允许律师楼代替客户收住这笔钱, 在完成交易钱,所有的利息归律师楼. 他们一定要存入银行的,不然怎么知道你的4%是不是真能到帐呢.
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作者:把酒祝东风 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1105) 发表:2009-10-13 22:06:39  438楼
二手组屋买后立即全套出租,风险多大?如果说能证明给HDB家人都必须在国外工作一年呢? 或者说自己找到朋友出租出去,风险大吗? 会有人不停来查吗?
但是要注意HDB卖的时候有个最低居住年限, 你出租的这段时间不算在里边. 所以如果你的屋子你从来没住过, 以后卖的时候可能会有问题.
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作者:新手上路 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:933) 发表:2009-10-14 15:19:44  439楼
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作者:On (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:5007) 发表:2009-10-14 15:26:47  440楼
为什么拿了HDB loan还要refinance?出来可就进不去了
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