100%赞同你的看法!!! 这就有如目前的市场上有许多美容院看准姑娘爱美的心态,推出许多减肥配套和减肥药品一样。那些药品有害的;那些药品不合法的;那间美容院的减肥配套是欺骗顾客的钱的,应该由政府的有关部们去调查与决定。而不应该是由另外一间美容院私自来决定的。
As mentioned, this matter was referred up yesterday, ........
although you are sending this post in your personal capacity but a lot of players may think this is also the official stand from the 3rd man.
By the way, for 美容, when 政府 take action on the shop could be after the events, ended up with ugly faces or the worst cause a life, so, not a good example too.
By the way, for 美容, when 政府 take action on the shop could be after the events, ended up with ugly faces or the worst cause a life, so, not a good example too.