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作者:shearwater (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:634) 发表:2011-11-22 14:37:27  楼主  关注此帖
The housing market in Singapore is heading for a prolonged downturn and overall private home prices are forecast to fall between 22 and 26 per cent in the next three years, Daiwa Research said. “We believe the residential property market could remain depressed for several years, triggered initially by a likely forthcoming gross domestic product slowdown (in 2012) and lingering global economic uncertainty,” it said.

From late next year, Daiwa said, structural issues such as the rapid build-up in unsold inventory in the primary market and vacant rental units will take centre stage and keep home prices and rents in check for several years.

The mass-market segment will hold up slightly better than high-end properties, supported by better affordability and the resilience in the resale prices of Housing and Development Board flats, Daiwa said.

The house has downgraded its view of Singapore’s property sector to “Negative” from “Neutral”, adding that “it is hard for us to see the developer shares outperforming the Straits Times Index over the next six months” despite their underperformance in the year to date
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作者:shearwater (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:634) 发表:2011-11-23 09:53:33  2楼
本地房地产前景不乐观The housing market in Singapore is heading for a prolonged downturn and overall private home prices are forecast to fall between 22 and 26 per cent in the next three years, Daiwa Research said. “We believe the residential property market could remain depressed for several years, triggered initially by a likely forthcoming gross domestic product slowdown (in 2012) and lingering global economic uncertainty,” it said. From late next year, Daiwa said, structural issues such as the rapid build-up in unsold inventory in the primary market and vacant rental units will take centre stage and keep home prices and rents in check for several years. The mass-market segment will hold up slightly better than high-end properties, supported by better affordability and the resilience in the resale prices of Housing and Development Board flats, Daiwa said. The house has downgraded its view of Singapore’s property sector to “Negative” from “Neutral”, adding that “it is hard for us to see the dev (more...)
环顾四周,中国的房价被称为“断崖”式滑落,香港的房贷利率已不断上升,而本地明年GDP增长预估只有1%-3%,而欧洲的危机已经不止当初欧猪五国,连法国都遭池鱼之殃。 而美国的失业率居高不下,明年经济增长堪忧。缺乏基本面支持的本地房市,最大的支撑只能来自超低的房贷利率。问题是这样的低利率还能维持多久?可以预期的是随着欧洲危机的愈演愈烈,避险的预期增加会导致更多热钱回流美国,本地明年起房贷利息上调可能性极大。

但在香港住宅按揭市场中排行第四的渣打(2888.HK: 行情)上周五突然宣布上调按揭息率,银行同业拆息(HIBOR,H)按揭计划息率由H加2至2.5%,调升至H加2.5至3%;息率上限维持于P减2至2.35%.最优惠利率(P)按揭计划亦由P减2.35至2.65%调升至P减2至2.4%,由今天起生效.

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作者:shearwater (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:634) 发表:2011-11-23 12:39:30  3楼
HDB 是本地最大房产开发商?


覆巢之下,焉有完卵,所谓的decoupling 理论还有销路?呵呵。
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作者:shearwater (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:634) 发表:2011-11-23 13:04:18  4楼
再者而言,香港加息,是由于热钱的出逃,导致香港银行资金捉襟见肘,从而引发升息,绝非是港府想要打压房价而升息。香港与新加坡有相当高的类比性,所以可以参考。 最近国内外资行美元贷款利率也是急升,加之国内首次出现外汇占款下降的局面,可见资金回流的现象已是很明显了。
欧央行降低基准利率,但是意,西等国国债被避险资金大量抛售而导致利率急剧上升,这些国家的国内银行也面临评级下调,融资成本上涨等问题。 你觉得这些银行不会通过升息来转嫁融资成本吗?
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作者:shearwater (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:634) 发表:2011-11-24 09:26:08  5楼
本地房地产前景不乐观The housing market in Singapore is heading for a prolonged downturn and overall private home prices are forecast to fall between 22 and 26 per cent in the next three years, Daiwa Research said. “We believe the residential property market could remain depressed for several years, triggered initially by a likely forthcoming gross domestic product slowdown (in 2012) and lingering global economic uncertainty,” it said. From late next year, Daiwa said, structural issues such as the rapid build-up in unsold inventory in the primary market and vacant rental units will take centre stage and keep home prices and rents in check for several years. The mass-market segment will hold up slightly better than high-end properties, supported by better affordability and the resilience in the resale prices of Housing and Development Board flats, Daiwa said. The house has downgraded its view of Singapore’s property sector to “Negative” from “Neutral”, adding that “it is hard for us to see the dev (more...)
Be more prudent when purchasing property, urges Khaw

Minister for National Development Khaw Boon Wan has advised Singaporeans to be prudent when purchasing property.

With the wide range of housing options, prospective buyers should choose wisely and buy within their budget.

Mr Khaw said this in response to a question raised by Pasir Ris-Punggol MP Gan Thiam Poh on whether there were plans to review the current HDB flat pricing policy to make sure public housing remains affordable for Singaporeans.

“The current low interest rate will not stay low forever. Any global economic recession may also affect their (Singaporeans’) jobs,” he said, citing the deteriorating global economic situation as one reason to be wary.

“On the other hand, existing HDB owners should refrain from cashing out their flats without thinking through their subsequent housing plans.”

Mr Khaw added that several Build-to-Order (BTO) launches, since May, had stabilised new HDB flat prices. For newlywed first-timers, BTO prices have remained affordable.

Regarding second-timers, the minister commented that “the issue is more complicated as they rely more on the resale market and our influence over the resale market is indirect.”

“The current resale prices are the results of an imbalance in supply and demand. We are taking active steps to re-balance them, but we need time,” he noted.
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作者:shearwater (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:634) 发表:2011-11-24 09:44:01  6楼
房地产公司搞民生?难道哪家房地产公司会如HDB 那样负责组屋的维修,升级,翻建乃至提供租赁屋给给低收入者?
建屋局隶属于国家发展部,乃是政府机构,与财政部控股的淡马锡又有多少相同之处?要说新加坡最大房地产公司,那当然是淡马锡旗下的capitaland,也就是之前的DBS land

HDB 每年都有报表,其亏损更多来自老组屋翻建维护.
能精确预测若干年后的市场状况,只怕许本人也无法如此自负。从他频频发言提醒公众谨慎购屋,担忧房价下行, 可看出其对本地产前景忧心忡忡。

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