所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2011-11-24 09:26

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Be more prudent when purchasing property, urges Khaw

Minister for National Development Khaw Boon Wan has advised Singaporeans to be prudent when purchasing property.

With the wide range of housing options, prospective buyers should choose wisely and buy within their budget.

Mr Khaw said this in response to a question raised by Pasir Ris-Punggol MP Gan Thiam Poh on whether there were plans to review the current HDB flat pricing policy to make sure public housing remains affordable for Singaporeans.

“The current low interest rate will not stay low forever. Any global economic recession may also affect their (Singaporeans’) jobs,” he said, citing the deteriorating global economic situation as one reason to be wary.

“On the other hand, existing HDB owners should refrain from cashing out their flats without thinking through their subsequent housing plans.”

Mr Khaw added that several Build-to-Order (BTO) launches, since May, had stabilised new HDB flat prices. For newlywed first-timers, BTO prices have remained affordable.

Regarding second-timers, the minister commented that “the issue is more complicated as they rely more on the resale market and our influence over the resale market is indirect.”

“The current resale prices are the results of an imbalance in supply and demand. We are taking active steps to re-balance them, but we need time,” he noted.

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鸵鸟吧 香陵居士   (62 bytes , 271reads )
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也就是说,低端公寓由于强劲的HDB resale price不怎么跌 Pokka   (41 bytes , 541reads )
如果在真的跌20%,那HDB也不保险 香陵居士   (155 bytes , 486reads )
多少面积这个价? 沃西山人   (52 bytes , 255reads )
现在才1.2m? 不可能吧。。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 165reads )
这个说的是实价,如果看外面的广告写一百四到一百五的都是虚的,没有买家 香陵居士   (81 bytes , 294reads )
哦? 哪个公寓?多大面积? 听着不错 king   (4 bytes , 254reads )
这么便宜?不会吧。。 Pokka   (47 bytes , 312reads )
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呵呵,居士何不换个看法。 -_-||   (730 bytes , 383reads )
楼上很在行,如果目前一定要买房我差不多也会这样想 香陵居士   (654 bytes , 306reads )
呵呵,居士谦虚了。不是没钱,是不看好罢了。 -_-||   (171 bytes , 263reads )
而且说实话目前的估价也就是五十多万 香陵居士   (121 bytes , 345reads )
TPY没有这么便宜的公寓吧。。。 Pokka   (0 bytes , 226reads )
上面不是说了,跌百分之二十多之后么 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 196reads )