如何在新加坡考CFA?请有经验的筒子给点意见, 谢了
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作者:white (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:3) 发表:2003-12-28 23:07:45  楼主  关注此帖
如何在新加坡考CFA?请有经验的筒子给点意见, 谢了
个人有兴趣,但是不知道要如何入手, 比如说怎样买到复习资料,需要上课还是完全自学? 还有什么其余的条件附带呢?还有就是需要多少S$啊?
ps: 本人是undergraduate,don't have much money
thanks a lot
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作者:邓可 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1915) 发表:2003-12-29 02:07:40  2楼
level I 报名600美元。
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作者:CFA (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:805) 发表:2003-12-29 09:23:32  3楼 评分:
Dont think an Undergrad can take it unless u r currently in your final year
For more details, pls check
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作者:夹心饼干 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:58) 发表:2003-12-29 15:50:40  4楼
level I 报名600美元。书自己找。这里不少人考的吧?
请问level I 容易过吗?
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作者:CFA (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:805) 发表:2003-12-29 16:26:40  5楼
请问level I 容易过吗?具体要有什么要求。看了那个网站还是不大明白。谢谢。
Level 1 looks very fundamental to those with Finance background
Some of my friends with a Bachelor's in Finance only spent two to three weeks in revision and passed L1. For non-Finance graduates like me, I think the 240-hr hardwork recommended by AIMR is necessary.
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作者:white (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:3) 发表:2003-12-30 00:18:15  6楼
Dont think an Undergrad can take it unless u r currently in your final yearFor more details, pls check http://www.aimr.org
To: CFA i am now a final year student
还有半年毕业,开始考虑以后的方向了, 因为实在不想做engineer,
觉得CFA是个不错的方向, 所以想要考, 就是没什么着手的方向
听说level one and level two are relatively easy, right?
but the last one is really difficult and useful?
要是很久才能考下来, 我怕自己被饿死啊, 嘻嘻
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作者:nuswolf (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:579) 发表:2003-12-30 11:43:15  7楼 评分:
hope this helps
CFA is an annual event of a global acceptance set up by Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR) in the US. Its first exam was held in 1963, in which only 278 male candidates and 6 female participated. Now it has turned out a world program with the fastest growing candidate number.

It's no easy job to obtain a CFA certificate. Candidates are required to pass three level exams of total 6 hours within three years, including assets evaluation, economics, portfolio management and professional integrity. Each subject usually demands 250 hours study and questions are put in the form of case study, essay, multiple-choice and item-set.
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作者:CFA (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:805) 发表:2003-12-30 15:04:26  8楼 评分:
To: CFA i am now a final year student还有半年毕业,开始考虑以后的方向了, 因为实在不想做engineer, 觉得CFA是个不错的方向, 所以想要考, 就是没什么着手的方向 听说level one and level two are relatively easy, right? but the last one is really difficult and useful? 通常考过final的要多久啊? 考了一级和二级之后能找到什么样的工作啊? 要是很久才能考下来, 我怕自己被饿死啊, 嘻嘻 还有就是这个在国内的前景怎么样啊?
Don't be too optimistic, friend
>还有半年毕业,开始考虑以后的方向了, 因为实在不想做engineer,
>觉得CFA是个不错的方向, 所以想要考, 就是没什么着手的方向
Hope you really have thought through more than twice before making up the mind. Ask yourself, what do you really wanna do?

>听说level one and level two are relatively easy, right?
>but the last one is really difficult and useful?
My personal experience: L1 is managable but L2 is much more challenging, unless you can devote more time and effort on it.

What do you mean?

In booming years, you can start with a trainee analyst after passing L1. But now i don't think you can be this optimistic. Take myself as an example, I've passed L2 this June but am still working as a humble engineer.

>要是很久才能考下来, 我怕自己被饿死啊, 嘻嘻
Count it yourself. L1 exam is offered twice a year but L2 & L3 only once a year.

Quite promising now. One of my ex-L1 comrade clinched an analyst job not long after passing L1. But really hard to say what would happen in years to come. More and more people in china are now taking CFA exam. You know how good they are in passing exams.

Good Luck!
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作者:frpapaya (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1098) 发表:2003-12-30 19:44:58  9楼 评分:
Don't be too optimistic, friend>还有半年毕业,开始考虑以后的方向了, 因为实在不想做engineer, >觉得CFA是个不错的方向, 所以想要考, 就是没什么着手的方向 Hope you really have thought through more than twice before making up the mind. Ask yourself, what do you really wanna do? >听说level one and level two are relatively easy, right? >but the last one is really difficult and useful? My personal experience: L1 is managable but L2 is much more challenging, unless you can devote more time and effort on it. >通常考过final的要多久啊? What do you mean? >考了一级和二级之后能找到什么样的工作啊? In booming years, you can start with a trainee analyst after passing L1. But now i don't think you can be this optimistic. Take myself as an example, I've passed L2 this June but am still working as a humble engineer. >要是很久才能考下来, 我怕自己被饿死啊, 嘻嘻 Count it yourself. L1 exam is offered twice a year but L2 & L3 only once a year. >还有就是这个在国内的前景怎么样啊? Quite promising now. One of my ex-L1 comrade (more...)
To get a CFA title you need 3 years relevant working exp
It will take 3 year to finish exame and then you need to apply for that title. I think the annual fee is not cheap...hehe....
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作者:邓可 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1915) 发表:2003-12-30 23:14:03  10楼
Level 1 looks very fundamental to those with Finance backgroundSome of my friends with a Bachelor's in Finance only spent two to three weeks in revision and passed L1. For non-Finance graduates like me, I think the 240-hr hardwork recommended by AIMR is necessary.
hiak hiak acct background
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作者:white (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:3) 发表:2004-01-01 12:05:50  11楼
Dont think an Undergrad can take it unless u r currently in your final yearFor more details, pls check http://www.aimr.org
thanks a lot
i will consider it more carefully! thanks a lot for your information!
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