华新用户资料 --- CFA
真名 生日2003-12-23 
籍贯/出生地NJ, Chn 所在学校 
发帖次数805 在线时间519.8小时
用户等级3 - 略知一二积分(经验值)665 
财富指数938 华新币 
头像签名档- CREATION DE J&F MARTELL - COLOUR : Deep golden copper. BOUQUET : Refined, but powerful. Rich and incredibly subtle with hints of walnuts, dried fruit, and cocoa. PALATE : Very well-balanced, elegant, and exquisite with blackcurrant, walnut, and toasted hazelnut overtones. Full-bodied with a sublimely subtle aftertaste. COMMENTS : A rare Cognac.


我的最猛十贴 (非0byte)
帖子标题 花花 发表于
小新小白: Pls see my clarifications 标签 2004-12-30 13:14
come on, i am not losing my temper, by adding a "!" following my sentence, 标签 2004-12-29 14:59
i say it one more time and one last time, frm only useful if u pursue career in 标签 2004-12-29 13:26
CFA more versatile but takes much longer...(at least 3 yrs) 标签 2004-12-29 13:22
我只回答自己知道的 标签 2008-04-16 17:28
面人还是被面的经验?:) 标签 2008-03-25 18:16
结合你这个问题及以下关于中后台去前台的问题 标签 2008-04-15 12:00
不客气。可能之前对你太苛刻了。也许跟最近面试太多的graduates有关 标签 2008-03-19 16:25
房地產公司估值的幾個reference points 标签 2006-09-14 22:39
Congrats. 标签 2006-02-22 15:57
帖子标题 花花 发表于
难道一点都不相关么?连transferable的soft skills都没有??  2009-07-19 17:38
建议参考楼下那个写跳槽系列的同学在新入行之后的表现  2009-07-06 15:35
多说“pull factors”,少说或不说"push factors" 标签 2009-07-06 15:32
不同意"不用担心去解释,为什么跳曹...种种."  2009-07-06 15:29
haha, I knew you will respond  2009-06-30 10:57
Fantastic position! I am sure many people will do it for free!  2009-05-13 18:16
我能想到的曾经“试图隐瞒”香港上市未果历史的龙筹,就只有Fibrechem和Biotreat  2009-05-04 15:23
Mr D? from the legendary D&H team?  2009-05-04 14:50
因为他不只是“转了国籍的同胞”,而是“转了又想转的”。  2009-04-17 19:21
建议LZ三步一叩头步行上北京,边自扇耳光边痛哭流涕加上咬破手指写血书。 标签 2009-04-16 16:30