To get a CFA title you need 3 years relevant working exp
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作者:frpapaya (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1098) 发表:2003-12-30 19:44:58  楼主  关注此帖评分:
Don't be too optimistic, friend>还有半年毕业,开始考虑以后的方向了, 因为实在不想做engineer, >觉得CFA是个不错的方向, 所以想要考, 就是没什么着手的方向 Hope you really have thought through more than twice before making up the mind. Ask yourself, what do you really wanna do? >听说level one and level two are relatively easy, right? >but the last one is really difficult and useful? My personal experience: L1 is managable but L2 is much more challenging, unless you can devote more time and effort on it. >通常考过final的要多久啊? What do you mean? >考了一级和二级之后能找到什么样的工作啊? In booming years, you can start with a trainee analyst after passing L1. But now i don't think you can be this optimistic. Take myself as an example, I've passed L2 this June but am still working as a humble engineer. >要是很久才能考下来, 我怕自己被饿死啊, 嘻嘻 Count it yourself. L1 exam is offered twice a year but L2 & L3 only once a year. >还有就是这个在国内的前景怎么样啊? Quite promising now. One of my ex-L1 comrade (more...)
To get a CFA title you need 3 years relevant working exp
It will take 3 year to finish exame and then you need to apply for that title. I think the annual fee is not cheap...hehe....
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