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(引用 卷心菜:预测竞猜新加坡代表队在本届亚洲赛上的团体排名男子团体赛 女子个人赛 少年个人赛)In my humble opinionUnderstand that everybody wants the National team to do well.

I feel that no matter what, the players earned their right to represent Singapore.

They produced the results during Quan Guo Sai. Despite much controversy and debate over the lack of number of rounds (seven as compared to the more ideal 9 or 11 or even 13), we should respect that these players earned their right fair and square over seven matches to enter the top four.

If we were to replace some of the players now just because they played poorly in friendly matches, it would prove detrimental to their morale. They have fought hard during quan guo sai to get into the national team.

If they were replaced now, what kind of signal would it send to future aspiring chess players hoping to break into the national team? As it is, the A division is already facing shortage of participants, struggling to get 20 plus players each year. Would graded chess players still be motivated to join the A division in future.

It is true that the national team has underperformed in friendlies, but I believe when Asian cup arrives, the team will be driven by national pride to do well in their home ground.

Just my two cents worth of opinion.
[fairplay10 (9-2 19:55, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]21楼

(引用 水棋:add onsi think for the following sentence, its better to add a few more words after 4 best players to make the sentence more ...)UnnecessaryWhen piggy888 wrote the post, we could all understand he's talking about this year score not trying to underestimate all players in Singapore. Therefore I think the add-ons are quite unnecessary. Otherwise if people continue and continue to add on, the sentence eventually becomes something like this and even worse:

<Based on this year's national open result, they are the 4 best players [out of all those participants {who had time to and dare play group A this year and who had no direct evidence in this competition showing them stronger than any playerer from group B or Ladies and who had drunk too much mineral water during this competition and wasted precious time to go toilet and...}] we have for this year>.

I guess you didn't play the tournament this year and missed a lot of fun. :P

[几度 (9-2 21:34, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]22楼

(引用 几度:UnnecessaryWhen piggy888 wrote the post, we could all understand he's talking about this year score not trying to underestimate ...)misunderstandingsadd ons may be unnecessary as they are just words. The main part the meaning in the addons. Guess you intepreted it as just addition of nouns and adjectives and made fun of it.

In piggy's post he said that the top 4 in national open deserves to represent sg as they are the best 4 in SG.

I merely commented that in other words, the statement is doubtful.

i think that best 4 in national open means that they are the best 4 out of people who participated, however there may be people thinking that the results are unreliable due to tournament system.

However piggy did mention that the so called 'better players' are not guaranteed better than top 4 in national open.

That is why the more they are currently still not deemed the best 4 in SG.

Best 4 is best 4, its a matter of determining them out.
[水棋 (9-2 23:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]23楼

(引用 水棋:misunderstandingsadd ons may be unnecessary as they are just words. The main part the meaning in the addons. Guess you inteprete...)senselesswhat jidu was trying to say is that the best 4 should be given the benefit of doubt and not by saying that the best 4 in the competition is the best 4 out of those that participated the reason is because of piggy's previous post of trying to ENCOURAGE and trying to tell people to suppport the national players. Here you are telling people that they are top 4 "only for that year" and only for "those that participated" can u tell me why this statement is necessasary? Do you have a better way of selecting the top 4? Maybe u wanna organise another national competition.
All systems are flawed some have more some have less. Which is the best is still hard to say. This current system might be to a disadvantage to some stronger players but it has also a very good way of training the players mental and also helping players adjust to different systems more importantly it gives different players more opportunity to represent Singapore. I think people like ruizhan deserve some credit instead people are asking people to give up their place to others. For whose sake? The countries? Anyone can gurantee who can play very well? as i mentioned in the previous posts one of the top players in singapore Lai han soon represented in 2004 and got 5 losses one draw. who expected that? Its all about form.
[xiaobeidou (9-3 9:52, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]24楼

(引用 piggy888:I think we should respect the 2008 national competition result as well as....the top 4 ranked players in that competition. This...)I agree with Piggy and we should not change player last minute.Although I feel a little disappointed with the performance of our national team in the recent friendly matches, I believe this is not the time to pressurize any player to quit. Rather, we suit try our best to help our players to do well in the competition. Like what I did was to annotate some of ruizhan's games and point out his weakness in non mainstream opening so that he can work on it. Although I do not think that our national team will get into top 6 this year, I do hope they inflict a few upsets to those traditional strong team.

I feel that once the rules are set, be it selecting the representatives with 7 or 9rounds, we should not change them last minute. However, if this year Singapore do not do well. I hope xiangzhong might want to review the selection criteria. Actually I think that the selection method used 2 years ago was quite good. If this year Singapore do not do well, its not the fault of the players, but the fault of SIXGA and coach.
[bls (9-3 11:13, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]25楼

(引用 xiaobeidou:senselesswhat jidu was trying to say is that the best 4 should be given the benefit of doubt and not by saying that the best 4 i...)factsSorry you guys may think its unnecessary but i still think that whatever i have posted are still facts necessary to balance piggy's post out. Please recall that piggy said that top 4 in national open means best 4 in sg, thats why i just said what i posted to correct that statement.

I do not have a better way to select the best 4 players that is why i ended my post that way.

Who can guarantee someone can play very well? nobody can do that, but at least we can do our best to INCREASE the chance of winning. Everyone would want the best for our country.

And if you want to say this i can also say who can guarantee kids under 10 yrs old cannot play well in competition??

Now the thing is how to choose best 4 which is a tough problem but i agree with what bls said that in his post <I agree with Piggy and we should not change player last minute.>
[水棋 (9-3 11:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]26楼

(引用 xiaobeidou:senselesswhat jidu was trying to say is that the best 4 should be given the benefit of doubt and not by saying that the best 4 i...)Cant use MSN now, just leave ur msg. Check it out:)[Eteng (9-3 12:31, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]27楼

(引用 水棋:factsSorry you guys may think its unnecessary but i still think that whatever i have posted are still facts necessary to balance...)what makes u think that it will increase our chances?Specificed in my previous post. Being 2 time Singapore champion at that time who would expect the results hansoon produced? If a 2 time singapore champion can produce these sort of results, who can u expect to produce results? of course it's not his fault i believe it's about his form being affected by other factors. What makes you think that sending a better player would produce better results? Of course sending a better player would play a part but thats not the most crucial part. Speaking from past experience, Playing in an international competition wouldn't really matter much if your standard is more or less there you just need to have a weapon and must not be too weak in the other parts of your game and form is the key to sucess.

i also agree with jidu that he said that they dared to play so those that did not play for whatsoever reason should not be taken into consideration thats why i say given the benefit of doubt. And on the trophy it does say QUAN2 GUO2 DIAN4 JUN1 OR QUAN2 GUO2 GUAN4 JUN1 not BI3 SAI4 GUAN JUN OR BI SAI DIAN JUN for ur info.

"i can also say who can guarantee kids under 10 yrs old cannot play well in competition??" You are not comparing apples to apples u are comparing apples with something else. We are talking about the A division not the under 10 division. Of cos if people like liuyihao play well next year he will get a chance to represent but thats beside the point.
[xiaobeidou (9-3 14:22, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]28楼

(引用 水棋:factsSorry you guys may think its unnecessary but i still think that whatever i have posted are still facts necessary to balance...)Yellow card to 水棋!!![Referee (9-3 14:56, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]29楼

(引用 Referee:Yellow card to 水棋!!!)aww why?[水棋 (9-3 17:30, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]30楼


[火影 (9-3 17:34, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]31楼

(引用 水棋:aww why?)别问歪?否则又一张黄卡出局 :P[火影 (9-3 17:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]32楼

(引用 xiaobeidou:what makes u think that it will increase our chances?Specificed in my previous post. Being 2 time Singapore champion at that tim...)good. hope you are able to convince the organisers who are in this forum.[水棋 (9-3 17:38, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]33楼

(引用 Referee:Yellow card to 水棋!!!)who is this referee? official referee in hua sing ma?do i get something deducted when i am issued yellow card? [水棋 (9-3 17:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]34楼

(引用 棋一生:终于有棋友敢敢说出真心话!!! 当我告诉几位象总领导人有关华新的棋友大力支持现有的国家代表出席参加10月份于我国举办的亚洲杯团体赛...)奖金的安排 -- 100%的个人赛, 0%的团体赛 。。。。。。[smallfry (9-3 18:03, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]35楼

(引用 水棋:who is this referee? official referee in hua sing ma?do i get something deducted when i am issued yellow card? )haha, where got official referee in huasingjust an ID only![卷心菜 (9-3 18:19, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]36楼

(引用 卷心菜:haha, where got official referee in huasingjust an ID only!)should be one of the 网友 having fun with 水棋[卷心菜 (9-3 18:20, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]37楼

(引用 棋一生:终于有棋友敢敢说出真心话!!! 当我告诉几位象总领导人有关华新的棋友大力支持现有的国家代表出席参加10月份于我国举办的亚洲杯团体赛...)“让贤”,那是一件不容易做的事,它需要无比的勇气!!!!! 记得二十几年前,象总派出一位在分组循环赛中,初赛名列榜尾的棋手,代表我国出席亚洲赛。当时,我还是那个小组的优胜者,有资格进入决赛,而那位棋手在和我对垒时,还是我的手下败将。那时,年轻气盛的我,连同我的师兄李庆先,还有许多年轻棋友,都因此感到愤愤不平,在象总举行一年一度的会员大会中,猛烈轰击当时的象总领导人,询问他们究竟是根据什么标准,遴选那位棋手代表?

[棋一生 (9-4 2:57, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]38楼

(引用 棋一生:“让贤”,那是一件不容易做的事,它需要无比的勇气!!!!! 记得二十几年前,象总派出一位在分组循环赛中,初赛名列榜尾的棋手,代表...)火影说,还有一个多月,希望象总能给国家队一个很好素质的赛前准备。。



[smallfry (9-4 5:04, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]39楼

(引用 棋一生:“让贤”,那是一件不容易做的事,它需要无比的勇气!!!!! 记得二十几年前,象总派出一位在分组循环赛中,初赛名列榜尾的棋手,代表...)不能棋力觉得不好的退出就应该,是让贤,棋力觉得好的想退出就sms给与警告?

[火影 (9-4 9:24, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]40楼

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