【房】Sky Everton 为什么这么好的销量?
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作者:shaokunlun (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:7519) 发表:2019-08-14 13:49:32  24楼 
您的意思是原来这些买家是要贷款的,现在改成全款支付,所以就会从URA网站上撤下不然的话很难理解为什么上个月的transaction数的总数会大过现在查询时的总数。 其实我的主要问题是想说能够在URA网站上显示的,是不是已经exercise OTP了,还是没有(即只要交的空白支票就OK)? 小白不懂,求轻拍。
URA网站上显示的当然是已经exercise OTP了
有贷款基本上都会在URA portal,免得一屋两卖。全款交易不上URA.


Private Residential Property Transactions with Caveats Lodged

How often is the information updated?
The transaction data are updated twice a week on every Tuesday and Friday. If the scheduled date of update falls on a public holiday, it will be updated on the following working day.

Why are there no records of recent transactions reported in the press?
This information service only covers property transactions with caveats lodged with the Singapore Land Authority.

Typically, caveats are lodged at least 2-3 weeks after a purchaser signed an option to purchase at the showflats. The press frequently reports the sales status of projects based on observations at showflats or interviews with developers. Therefore, what you read in the media will be different from the information shown here.

In addition, it is not compulsory to lodge a caveat for all property purchases. Lodging of caveats is usually done voluntarily by purchasers through their lawyers to protect their interest in the prope
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