行人被判了15%责任因为没看路。这篇文章虽然没写,我记得当时报道的时候是说行人过马路在看手机,没看路。感觉这个案子无论如何对大众是起到警示作用。至少我现在过马路;就算有right of way,也要确认车减速了才敢走
She was estimated to have been driving at a speed of 55 km/h at the point of the
collision despite the red light having been against her for a substantial period
of time. Her own expert, based on the analysis of the accident scene, estimates
that she was driving at a speed of between 42 km/h and 68 km/h. It seems
indisputable that she was oblivious to the red light against her. Her own
evidence was that she only realised that the traffic signal was against her after
she collided with the respondent. The road was well-lit and the weather was
fine at the time of the accident.
collision despite the red light having been against her for a substantial period
of time. Her own expert, based on the analysis of the accident scene, estimates
that she was driving at a speed of between 42 km/h and 68 km/h. It seems
indisputable that she was oblivious to the red light against her. Her own
evidence was that she only realised that the traffic signal was against her after
she collided with the respondent. The road was well-lit and the weather was
fine at the time of the accident.