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作者:robinz (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:103) 发表:2018-11-26 14:24:24  楼主  关注此帖
对嘛一起涨嘛 跟银行贷款的人,银行利率上涨并没有比跟HDB贷款的人更吃亏啊。首先大家的OA利息都一起涨,其次银行贷款的一直比跟HDB贷款的低,等涨到2.6后,HDB贷款也会涨。 总体来讲,跟银行贷款肯定比跟HDB贷款最后交的利息少。跟HDB贷款的主要优势是方便吧,像refinance top up 啥时候一笔还清都没有额外费用。
目前hdb房贷只和CPA OA 挂钩

The HDB concessionary interest rate is pegged at 0.1% above the prevailing CPF Ordinary Account interest rate. It is reviewed quarterly, in line with the CPF interest rate revisions.
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作者:robinz (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:103) 发表:2018-11-26 14:28:29  2楼
你的情况只适用用2003年以前目前hdb房贷只和CPA OA 挂钩 The HDB concessionary interest rate is pegged at 0.1% above the prevailing CPF Ordinary Account interest rate. It is reviewed quarterly, in line with the CPF interest rate revisions.
ARM 已经2003年就没了
he computation of the Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Index is as follows:

Average of the non-promotional HDB housing loan rates of the 3 local banks, namely DBS (POSB), OCBC, and UOB.

Note: The monthly interest rate is subject to the floor rate of the HDB concessionary interest rate.

The current HDB market interest rate is 3.16% p.a. The rate is reviewed on the 15th day of each month, and any revision will take place on the 1st of the second month that follows.

For example, if the ARM index changes, resulting in a corresponding change in the HDB market interest rate on 15 January, the new rate will take effect for payments due on 1 March

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