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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 16:46:55  楼主  关注此帖
About 49,700 new homes expected to enter the market by FY2015, following FY2014’s 50,000 new completions, said OCBC and reported in the media.

The figure is expected to increase to 73,600 by FY2016, with the estimates including DBSS, HDB and Executive Condominium (EC) completions.

“Assuming a six million population target by 2020 from the latest population white paper, we forecast average population growth at approximately 86,000 individuals per annum from 2014 to 2020,” said OCBC.

“Assuming a conservative three persons per household, this translates to an incremental demand of approximately 29,000 physical homes per year, which points to a fairly clear physical oversupply situation ahead.”

But OCBC cautioned the level of unsold pipeline held by developers currently stands at 36,000 units. This is significantly lower compared to the historical 10-year average of 41,000 units.

“While developers are likely to ease prices ahead to move inventory, we do not foresee a fire-sale situation – similarly because of the strong balance sheets for large developers,” said OCBC.
该帖荣获当日十大第3,奖励楼主15分以及22华新币,时间:2014-11-19 22:00:02。
该帖荣获当日十大第5,奖励楼主10分以及15华新币,时间:2014-11-20 22:00:04。
该帖荣获当日十大第10,奖励楼主1分以及1华新币,时间:2014-11-30 22:00:03。
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 16:48:10  2楼
小心为妙:新加坡住宅供应过剩严重!About 49,700 new homes expected to enter the market by FY2015, following FY2014’s 50,000 new completions, said OCBC and reported in the media. The figure is expected to increase to 73,600 by FY2016, with the estimates including DBSS, HDB and Executive Condominium (EC) completions. “Assuming a six million population target by 2020 from the latest population white paper, we forecast average population growth at approximately 86,000 individuals per annum from 2014 to 2020,” said OCBC. “Assuming a conservative three persons per household, this translates to an incremental demand of approximately 29,000 physical homes per year, which points to a fairly clear physical oversupply situation ahead.” But OCBC cautioned the level of unsold pipeline held by developers currently stands at 36,000 units. This is significantly lower compared to the historical 10-year average of 41,000 units. “While developers are likely to ease prices ahead to move inventory, we do not foresee a f (more...)
简单说 供应过剩 价格过高 早晚会跌 需要耐心
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 17:12:01  3楼
小心为妙:新加坡住宅供应过剩严重!About 49,700 new homes expected to enter the market by FY2015, following FY2014’s 50,000 new completions, said OCBC and reported in the media. The figure is expected to increase to 73,600 by FY2016, with the estimates including DBSS, HDB and Executive Condominium (EC) completions. “Assuming a six million population target by 2020 from the latest population white paper, we forecast average population growth at approximately 86,000 individuals per annum from 2014 to 2020,” said OCBC. “Assuming a conservative three persons per household, this translates to an incremental demand of approximately 29,000 physical homes per year, which points to a fairly clear physical oversupply situation ahead.” But OCBC cautioned the level of unsold pipeline held by developers currently stands at 36,000 units. This is significantly lower compared to the historical 10-year average of 41,000 units. “While developers are likely to ease prices ahead to move inventory, we do not foresee a f (more...)
最近见过很多房屋中介一个劲push买家买房子 买家就要额外小心
毕竟都是自家血汗钱 房子这种大额投资 一定要慎之又慎 目前依据数据看 直到2016都是下行通道 下降多少 很难说 也要看美国加息 想想美国加息就怕 小心小心啊
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 17:33:10  4楼
什么时候的新闻 明年的新屋不是被切掉很多了吗SINGAPORE: The Housing and Development Board (HDB) will launch 16,900 new Build-To-Order (BTO) flats next year – down from 22,400 units in 2014 – but supply will be “adequate” given that an estimated 15,000 Singaporean families are formed each year, the Ministry of National Development (MND) said in a written Parliamentary reply on Tuesday (Nov 4).
你只看了HDB 还有公寓。。。
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 17:35:37  5楼
以前是 现在不一定 咱们中国来的年轻人 没入籍 第一套房子可是要交税的
和以前大不相同 如果没有刚需 (譬如有了孩子) 最好等等 先租个房间观望 同时积攒现金 也是可行的
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 18:04:39  6楼
公民第一套不交 其余的 第一套就要收一大笔现金 现金也是年轻人最缺的
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 18:07:17  7楼
小心为妙:新加坡住宅供应过剩严重!About 49,700 new homes expected to enter the market by FY2015, following FY2014’s 50,000 new completions, said OCBC and reported in the media. The figure is expected to increase to 73,600 by FY2016, with the estimates including DBSS, HDB and Executive Condominium (EC) completions. “Assuming a six million population target by 2020 from the latest population white paper, we forecast average population growth at approximately 86,000 individuals per annum from 2014 to 2020,” said OCBC. “Assuming a conservative three persons per household, this translates to an incremental demand of approximately 29,000 physical homes per year, which points to a fairly clear physical oversupply situation ahead.” But OCBC cautioned the level of unsold pipeline held by developers currently stands at 36,000 units. This is significantly lower compared to the historical 10-year average of 41,000 units. “While developers are likely to ease prices ahead to move inventory, we do not foresee a f (more...)
买房子 一定要弄懂法规法则 多看房子多比较 还是那句:出售慎重
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 18:08:39  8楼
买房子 一定要弄懂法规法则 多看房子多比较 还是那句:出售慎重
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 18:11:23  9楼
哈哈 一家之言 仅供参考^_^
欢迎讨论 集思广益
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 20:50:20  10楼
早晚会跌这句话神了。 银行贷款贷不出,经济萧条,失业率遽升。 连饭都吃不饱了,那确实会跌。 这种状况不是大家乃至政府想看到的。     (more...)
还是要让大家知道真相 尤其是房产投资 大额投资 不得不慎重
多方位全面思考 市场的规律是不会以人为意志转移的
有两个房子 只有一个人买 供需的失衡 很有可能导致价格速度下滑 一定要谨慎啊
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 20:52:18  11楼
一家之言 明年市场会比今年更加严峻
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 20:54:25  12楼
机会只给有准备的人 攒足现金才是王道
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 20:57:37  13楼
小心为妙:新加坡住宅供应过剩严重!About 49,700 new homes expected to enter the market by FY2015, following FY2014’s 50,000 new completions, said OCBC and reported in the media. The figure is expected to increase to 73,600 by FY2016, with the estimates including DBSS, HDB and Executive Condominium (EC) completions. “Assuming a six million population target by 2020 from the latest population white paper, we forecast average population growth at approximately 86,000 individuals per annum from 2014 to 2020,” said OCBC. “Assuming a conservative three persons per household, this translates to an incremental demand of approximately 29,000 physical homes per year, which points to a fairly clear physical oversupply situation ahead.” But OCBC cautioned the level of unsold pipeline held by developers currently stands at 36,000 units. This is significantly lower compared to the historical 10-year average of 41,000 units. “While developers are likely to ease prices ahead to move inventory, we do not foresee a f (more...)
不仅房地产 2015的世界经济也是困难重重 暗流涌动
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 21:54:14  14楼
呵呵,还是用数字说话,中国再缓也是7%以上的增长率美国蒸蒸日上,增长也许能有3%吧。 那么中美谁给全球经济贡献了更多的增长量应该很清楚吧
中国的数字 呵呵
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 21:58:44  15楼
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 22:05:28  16楼
中国要玩完是你说的 我可从来没说。。。
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 22:06:16  17楼
推荐看看袁腾飞的历史课 详解爱国愤青
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 22:13:52  18楼
三百年前的西班牙和一百五十年前的英国都曾是世界的霸主和规则制定者,现在呢? 其兴也勃焉,其亡也忽焉。
套用袁腾飞一句话 美国东西两大洋 南北无强敌
幅员辽阔 人口众多 加之科技 创新 未来若无重大转折性的事件 应该依旧是一超多强的时代
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 22:18:45  19楼
美国各个流派都有 百家齐放
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 22:36:26  20楼
小心为妙:新加坡住宅供应过剩严重!About 49,700 new homes expected to enter the market by FY2015, following FY2014’s 50,000 new completions, said OCBC and reported in the media. The figure is expected to increase to 73,600 by FY2016, with the estimates including DBSS, HDB and Executive Condominium (EC) completions. “Assuming a six million population target by 2020 from the latest population white paper, we forecast average population growth at approximately 86,000 individuals per annum from 2014 to 2020,” said OCBC. “Assuming a conservative three persons per household, this translates to an incremental demand of approximately 29,000 physical homes per year, which points to a fairly clear physical oversupply situation ahead.” But OCBC cautioned the level of unsold pipeline held by developers currently stands at 36,000 units. This is significantly lower compared to the historical 10-year average of 41,000 units. “While developers are likely to ease prices ahead to move inventory, we do not foresee a f (more...)
扯远了。。。还是回归房市 小心小心
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