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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-19 23:55:47  21楼
小心为妙:新加坡住宅供应过剩严重!About 49,700 new homes expected to enter the market by FY2015, following FY2014’s 50,000 new completions, said OCBC and reported in the media. The figure is expected to increase to 73,600 by FY2016, with the estimates including DBSS, HDB and Executive Condominium (EC) completions. “Assuming a six million population target by 2020 from the latest population white paper, we forecast average population growth at approximately 86,000 individuals per annum from 2014 to 2020,” said OCBC. “Assuming a conservative three persons per household, this translates to an incremental demand of approximately 29,000 physical homes per year, which points to a fairly clear physical oversupply situation ahead.” But OCBC cautioned the level of unsold pipeline held by developers currently stands at 36,000 units. This is significantly lower compared to the historical 10-year average of 41,000 units. “While developers are likely to ease prices ahead to move inventory, we do not foresee a f (more...)
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-20 11:13:29  22楼
正解!王婆卖瓜 自卖自夸
其实OC的文章已经修饰 毕竟搞得太露骨 对大家都不好 不过数据如果是真的 应该说明很多问题了 不用纠结如何写作 都有自己的考量和限制
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-20 11:19:50  23楼
最近房屋和股票中介都很惨 没交易量
都是为了生计 理解万岁
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-20 13:43:35  24楼
还是挺看好坡上房地产的有人口流入 就跌不到哪里去 人口白皮书不是在那里嘛 ep-pr-cz 一步一步顶房地产
人口流入速度大幅减慢 再看看人口老龄化的程度
也不是很看好长期 大赚的可能性不大了
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-20 16:01:19  25楼
像以前一样暴利可能没那么容易了增长或者保值 我还是挺看好 毕竟有外来人口不断涌入
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-20 16:02:50  26楼
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-20 17:53:11  27楼
经济学小白求科普为啥美国加息,坡县就一定会跟着加息??我只知道现在世界上不同国家的利率完全不同啊。中国,澳洲、印度都很高,但新加坡 欧洲很低,欧洲甚至是负利率。。 美国是退出QE不假,但日本和欧洲刚刚开始QE啊 那为啥美国加息,坡县一定是跟着美国走呢??
市场钱多 利息低 市场钱少了 利息涨
不过 有句话:画虎不成反类犬
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-20 22:31:10  28楼
小心为妙:新加坡住宅供应过剩严重!About 49,700 new homes expected to enter the market by FY2015, following FY2014’s 50,000 new completions, said OCBC and reported in the media. The figure is expected to increase to 73,600 by FY2016, with the estimates including DBSS, HDB and Executive Condominium (EC) completions. “Assuming a six million population target by 2020 from the latest population white paper, we forecast average population growth at approximately 86,000 individuals per annum from 2014 to 2020,” said OCBC. “Assuming a conservative three persons per household, this translates to an incremental demand of approximately 29,000 physical homes per year, which points to a fairly clear physical oversupply situation ahead.” But OCBC cautioned the level of unsold pipeline held by developers currently stands at 36,000 units. This is significantly lower compared to the historical 10-year average of 41,000 units. “While developers are likely to ease prices ahead to move inventory, we do not foresee a f (more...)
需求每年大概29000 每年市场上供应40000-50000 确实很恐怖。。。
房产目前这种价格 绝对还要下走 买家这个时候 更应该慎重 谨慎 耐心 积累
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-20 22:44:59  29楼
公民不是少一点点 我要强调的是额外税 那可是总价的x% 要现金的。。。
无论哪套房子 公民PR都是基本税3% 重点在额外税的征收改变
PR:第一套额外5%! 公民:0%
PR:第三套及以上10%! 公民:10%!
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-20 22:51:23  30楼
公民不是少一点点 我要强调的是额外税 那可是总价的x% 要现金的。。。还是用数据说话吧 无论哪套房子 公民PR都是基本税3% 重点在额外税的征收改变 PR:第一套额外5%! 公民:0% PR:第二套额外10%!公民:7%! PR:第三套及以上10%! 公民:10%!
贷款以前可以90% 现在最多80% 各种措施都是让你拿更多的现金 为什么?
以1mil私宅为例 PR就算买第一套 首付就要20万 外加税收8万 利息还在悄悄的涨 楼价还在慢慢的跌 应该不算是个好投资
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-22 13:20:37  31楼
谢谢纠正 以后还要注意 一加一等于二也不准确 一加一在算对的的时候等于二^_^
还是要认真啊 要不公民PR都交税也不准确 我也帮你补充^_^
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-22 13:23:28  32楼
这些数据远远不够分析供需走势首先ocbc说的这每年增的这29000已经算高估了。他们肯定不会都来买房的,肯定要有一些租房的需求。这个数据可以说不准确。 但是新加坡人也要买房,这29000只是因为人口增加带来的增量。加上3年pr不准买hdb策略造成的部分压抑,在未来几年也会释放。所以这个数据其实完全不能用来预测每年的需求。 其次每年50000,60000的completion中,有多少已经卖出去了?即使算上condo,我估计至少60%已经卖出去了。加上部分人会卖掉原房子,每年50000,60000的completion能带来一半的空房源也就是25000-30000?这个数据也是不准确的。 然后,未来几年政府供应会如何?如果房市不好,政府供应可能也会大滑坡。 所以这些数据看看就好,政府本身没有公布出来的数据更准确,他们更有数。房价该升该降完全政府控制着。
如果政府能控制一切 就不会有金融危机了
措施是一个缓冲 换些空间和时间
供需有一定问题 更大的问题是全球经济的走向
不明朗 问题很多
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-22 13:26:31  33楼
租一间房和供一套房 差别还是很大的。。。
房子这种东西 买在高点 绝对是个祸害 无法攒钱
真有机会来了 只能溜走
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-22 13:29:27  34楼
小心为妙:新加坡住宅供应过剩严重!About 49,700 new homes expected to enter the market by FY2015, following FY2014’s 50,000 new completions, said OCBC and reported in the media. The figure is expected to increase to 73,600 by FY2016, with the estimates including DBSS, HDB and Executive Condominium (EC) completions. “Assuming a six million population target by 2020 from the latest population white paper, we forecast average population growth at approximately 86,000 individuals per annum from 2014 to 2020,” said OCBC. “Assuming a conservative three persons per household, this translates to an incremental demand of approximately 29,000 physical homes per year, which points to a fairly clear physical oversupply situation ahead.” But OCBC cautioned the level of unsold pipeline held by developers currently stands at 36,000 units. This is significantly lower compared to the historical 10-year average of 41,000 units. “While developers are likely to ease prices ahead to move inventory, we do not foresee a f (more...)
留着现金等机会吧 应该不远了 两三年见分晓
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-22 22:58:33  35楼
我自己就在高点买过...刚需的话只要自己负担得起,啥时候买没差,只有一套房自己住的话,房价涨跌跟你也都没关系,反正也不可能卖了套现睡大街, 自己注意控制财政预算做好功课和准备就好。这也是政府为什么要出TDSR和MSR限制的原因。不控制的话过分借贷,非理性投资才会出问题。
人口政策收紧 世界经济不明 买在高点 可比以前危险多了
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-22 23:03:40  36楼
涨没关跌有关自住,买了房,同样首付 房价涨了,没可能套现,因为房价全部都涨了。 房价跌了,当时一样的首付,可以买到条件更好的房子。 这也是为什么房市买涨不买跌的道理,对了,这只是从经济角度思考问题,太理性了,但人是感性动物。
还是看什么情况 没孩子两个人的 租房没什么不好

系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 凡人 的帖子 “那你也得忍受租房直到跌啊,话说哪里知道跌是个头?这跟炒股一样的心理:谁都[…]”
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-22 23:07:17  37楼
我都说是刚需,只要租一间房就能过的那不叫刚需这种我也不建议买,再等等看。除非钱多没地方花,恩,这个可以帮忙的。 要是拖家带口有老有小那租房还是挺痛苦的
这个想法一致 没孩子 现在推荐租房
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-23 22:56:42  38楼
小心为妙:新加坡住宅供应过剩严重!About 49,700 new homes expected to enter the market by FY2015, following FY2014’s 50,000 new completions, said OCBC and reported in the media. The figure is expected to increase to 73,600 by FY2016, with the estimates including DBSS, HDB and Executive Condominium (EC) completions. “Assuming a six million population target by 2020 from the latest population white paper, we forecast average population growth at approximately 86,000 individuals per annum from 2014 to 2020,” said OCBC. “Assuming a conservative three persons per household, this translates to an incremental demand of approximately 29,000 physical homes per year, which points to a fairly clear physical oversupply situation ahead.” But OCBC cautioned the level of unsold pipeline held by developers currently stands at 36,000 units. This is significantly lower compared to the historical 10-year average of 41,000 units. “While developers are likely to ease prices ahead to move inventory, we do not foresee a f (more...)
多多思考 任何人的意见都只是参考
还是那句话 准备好过冬
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-11-28 17:18:29  39楼
小心为妙:新加坡住宅供应过剩严重!About 49,700 new homes expected to enter the market by FY2015, following FY2014’s 50,000 new completions, said OCBC and reported in the media. The figure is expected to increase to 73,600 by FY2016, with the estimates including DBSS, HDB and Executive Condominium (EC) completions. “Assuming a six million population target by 2020 from the latest population white paper, we forecast average population growth at approximately 86,000 individuals per annum from 2014 to 2020,” said OCBC. “Assuming a conservative three persons per household, this translates to an incremental demand of approximately 29,000 physical homes per year, which points to a fairly clear physical oversupply situation ahead.” But OCBC cautioned the level of unsold pipeline held by developers currently stands at 36,000 units. This is significantly lower compared to the historical 10-year average of 41,000 units. “While developers are likely to ease prices ahead to move inventory, we do not foresee a f (more...)
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作者:eidolon (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:327) 发表:2014-12-01 07:51:10  40楼
小心为妙:新加坡住宅供应过剩严重!About 49,700 new homes expected to enter the market by FY2015, following FY2014’s 50,000 new completions, said OCBC and reported in the media. The figure is expected to increase to 73,600 by FY2016, with the estimates including DBSS, HDB and Executive Condominium (EC) completions. “Assuming a six million population target by 2020 from the latest population white paper, we forecast average population growth at approximately 86,000 individuals per annum from 2014 to 2020,” said OCBC. “Assuming a conservative three persons per household, this translates to an incremental demand of approximately 29,000 physical homes per year, which points to a fairly clear physical oversupply situation ahead.” But OCBC cautioned the level of unsold pipeline held by developers currently stands at 36,000 units. This is significantly lower compared to the historical 10-year average of 41,000 units. “While developers are likely to ease prices ahead to move inventory, we do not foresee a f (more...)
看一番唇枪舌战 分外妖娆^_^
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