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作者:凡人 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:20537) 发表:2013-03-03 23:37:08  20楼  评分: 
一份marketing executive的JD:

1. liaising and networking with a range of stakeholders including customers, colleagues, suppliers and partner organizations;
2. communicating with target audiences and managing customer relationships;
3. sourcing advertising opportunities and placing adverts in the press - local, regional, national and specialist publications - or on the radio, depending on the organization and the campaign;
4. managing the production of marketing materials, including leaflets, posters, flyers, newsletters, e-newsletters and DVDs;
5. writing and proofreading copy;
6. liaising with designers and printers;
7. organising photo shoots;
8. arranging for the effective distribution of marketing materials;
9. maintaining and updating customer databases;
10. organising and attending events such as conferences, seminars, receptions and exhibitions;
11. sourcing and securing sponsorship;
12. conducting market research such as customer questionnaires and focus groups;
13. contributing to, and developing, marketing plans and strategies;
14. managing budgets;
15. evaluating marketing campaigns;
16. monitoring competitor activity;
17. Supporting the marketing manager and other colleagues.

我读了之后可以大概说这份工作要求几个要点:communication skills, co-ordination & organizing activity skills, familiar with marketing material & format.

应征这样的工作,要突出你的人际交往能力,组织协调能力,还有就是对于活动材料的熟悉和策划。 那么如果你曾经在学校社团担任类似的职务就可以详尽的写一些,比如你策划过什么活动,你负责什么部分的任务,最好是制作宣传材料,如何展开宣传,面向什么样的观众,最后取得怎样的成果。就算不是社团活动,可能是你组织兴趣小组啊,组织文艺汇演啊,甚至做义工,如果在同学中间宣传让更多的人参与到你的活动中来。尽量贴边。

提供房产相关咨询,我的热门贴: 有关做房地产中介:http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=146_14073397 学区房讨论大坑:http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/ztree.php?B=172_13367610 名校清单个人总结:http://bbs.huasing.net/bbs.php?B=179_14534182
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