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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-20 03:14:22  楼主  关注此帖评分:
164/50。长相不错。北方沿海城市人。ntu master。现在本地工作ep

性格懂事大方。对男友会很温柔。整体偏理性有逻辑。对感情很感性。举止行为蛮decent的 懂得尊重人。

寻背景相似 体格健壮 成熟稳重的gentleman做男友。希望有气质有气场openminded, 比较会照顾女生一些。

再详谈交换照片fb什么的 thx :)
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-20 16:44:41  2楼
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-20 17:32:31  3楼
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-20 17:48:09  4楼
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-20 19:24:33  5楼
haha, interesting
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-20 23:07:49  6楼
要就全英要就全中 平時明明就嘲笑新加坡人混在一起的singlish連好好使用一種語言這種事情都做不到 就不要拿出來說嘴了 丟臉


反而有些人那么敏感。你说话那么mean 才有够丢脸的。
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-20 23:34:54  7楼
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-20 23:36:50  8楼
00這位靚女好像很看不慣別人中英文摻和寫,有點..., 更何況在你的回复中不也是中英摻和嗎?Singlish是英語啊(呵呵,自己五十步笑別人百步) 中英摻和只是個人愛好而已和方便而已,沒有上升到丟臉不丟臉的程度吧。
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-20 23:42:57  9楼
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-20 23:45:24  10楼
加油啊,掐架啊,我最爱看热闹了~~~花生瓜子爆米花,前排占座看热闹。。。嘻嘻嘻。。。 每个人都有各自的习惯啦,不要那么过不去的说。
吵不吵无所谓啊 只要能让我的帖子热就行~ 啦啦啦~
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-20 23:53:03  11楼
為甚麼灣灣就要友好 XDDDDDDD????拜託妳罵好不好~我想聽聽看妳有多會罵 :P
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-21 17:26:04  12楼
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-21 17:26:53  13楼
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-21 22:54:50  14楼
因為本地人說話時會有這樣的習慣,要入鄉隨俗哈 覺得彆扭是個人問題但說覺得彆扭就不應該待在這裡也不對 哪有一個地方所有方面都讓人不彆扭
想说待这儿还受不了中英混杂的人是有多矫情和装13呢。。。一点都不open in mind
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-21 23:30:01  15楼
You did mention in your post that you had a master's degree, did you not?If that's true, I have to say your english sucks, "open in mind" would confuse people whose native language is english, "open minded", learn this phrase, pratise it and remember it well, don't embarrass yourself in public like this again! There are lots of people(including Singapore brought up Singaporeans) who speak and write in perfect American/British English(maybe thread starter yourself have not had a chance to mingle with this group of people? for this reason, I'd forgive you), and these people don't give a damn about "not being able to speak singlish". This group of people, as a matter of fact, also are the ones who enjoy the best class of lives in Singapore. There are loads of "average people on the street" who speak "fluent" singlish and enjoy their lives, it's just a matter of being in a different class. Of course there are also quite a lot of people speaking or writing in non-standard singlish, insulting both lauguages, Chin (more...)
Master degree跟你说的这些有毛关系呀。。。
口语口语 知道什么是口语乜。。。就算没这词没人这么说 姐也照样可以这么说。
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-21 23:31:57  16楼
You did mention in your post that you had a master's degree, did you not?If that's true, I have to say your english sucks, "open in mind" would confuse people whose native language is english, "open minded", learn this phrase, pratise it and remember it well, don't embarrass yourself in public like this again! There are lots of people(including Singapore brought up Singaporeans) who speak and write in perfect American/British English(maybe thread starter yourself have not had a chance to mingle with this group of people? for this reason, I'd forgive you), and these people don't give a damn about "not being able to speak singlish". This group of people, as a matter of fact, also are the ones who enjoy the best class of lives in Singapore. There are loads of "average people on the street" who speak "fluent" singlish and enjoy their lives, it's just a matter of being in a different class. Of course there are also quite a lot of people speaking or writing in non-standard singlish, insulting both lauguages, Chin (more...)
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-21 23:36:47  17楼
You did mention in your post that you had a master's degree, did you not?If that's true, I have to say your english sucks, "open in mind" would confuse people whose native language is english, "open minded", learn this phrase, pratise it and remember it well, don't embarrass yourself in public like this again! There are lots of people(including Singapore brought up Singaporeans) who speak and write in perfect American/British English(maybe thread starter yourself have not had a chance to mingle with this group of people? for this reason, I'd forgive you), and these people don't give a damn about "not being able to speak singlish". This group of people, as a matter of fact, also are the ones who enjoy the best class of lives in Singapore. There are loads of "average people on the street" who speak "fluent" singlish and enjoy their lives, it's just a matter of being in a different class. Of course there are also quite a lot of people speaking or writing in non-standard singlish, insulting both lauguages, Chin (more...)
但这儿我就想说open in mind
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-21 23:38:48  18楼
我说了啊,事物没有100%让人觉的舒服的方面,所以有人必须负责觉得别扭,有人负责觉的不别扭 ,仅此而已
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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-21 23:58:18  19楼
You did mention in your post that you had a master's degree, did you not?If that's true, I have to say your english sucks, "open in mind" would confuse people whose native language is english, "open minded", learn this phrase, pratise it and remember it well, don't embarrass yourself in public like this again! There are lots of people(including Singapore brought up Singaporeans) who speak and write in perfect American/British English(maybe thread starter yourself have not had a chance to mingle with this group of people? for this reason, I'd forgive you), and these people don't give a damn about "not being able to speak singlish". This group of people, as a matter of fact, also are the ones who enjoy the best class of lives in Singapore. There are loads of "average people on the street" who speak "fluent" singlish and enjoy their lives, it's just a matter of being in a different class. Of course there are also quite a lot of people speaking or writing in non-standard singlish, insulting both lauguages, Chin (more...)
for spoken language, there is no standard
Not everything on this planet comes with a standard (i know most sgpreans r slaves of standard though)
Everyone can have his own standard
U cannot simply judge others r wrong becoz they r not following ur standard
This is not a rite or wrong issue, but try not to be that superficial n narrowminded ok

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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-22 23:16:45  20楼
没吓跑 没吓跑哈。。。
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