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作者:rosamonde (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:24) 发表:2012-10-21 23:31:57  59楼 
You did mention in your post that you had a master's degree, did you not?If that's true, I have to say your english sucks, "open in mind" would confuse people whose native language is english, "open minded", learn this phrase, pratise it and remember it well, don't embarrass yourself in public like this again! There are lots of people(including Singapore brought up Singaporeans) who speak and write in perfect American/British English(maybe thread starter yourself have not had a chance to mingle with this group of people? for this reason, I'd forgive you), and these people don't give a damn about "not being able to speak singlish". This group of people, as a matter of fact, also are the ones who enjoy the best class of lives in Singapore. There are loads of "average people on the street" who speak "fluent" singlish and enjoy their lives, it's just a matter of being in a different class. Of course there are also quite a lot of people speaking or writing in non-standard singlish, insulting both lauguages, Chin (more...)
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