in william O'neil's book ,he uses 100+ charts to explain and demonstrate how he does the position sizing.
in , Livermore explains his sizing operation also in details as follows:
Let us suppose, for example, that I am buying some stock. I'll buy two thousand shares at 110. If the stock goes
up to 111 after I buy it I am, at least temporarily, right in my operation, because it is a point higher; it shows me a profit. Well, because I am right I go in and buy another two thousand shares. If the market is still rising I buy a third lot of two thousand shares. Say the price goes up to 114. I think it is enough for the time being. I now have a trading basis to work from. I am long six thousand shares at an average of 111.75, and the stock is selling at 114. I won't buy any more just then. I wait and see. I figure that at some stage of the rise there is going to be a reaction. I want to see how the market takes care of itself after that reaction. It will probably react to where I got my third lot. Say that after (more...)
Scaling 概率 还真是的
本来我不清楚我的实验下阶段 或者目的是什么
后来我想 可能这个角度不错。
概率提高, 还可以测试一下和资金量的相关性呗。
那个人晚景凄凉( 我今年重新看才意识的) 有些东西不是能够做一辈子的。
有家有口的,要看人下菜了 年纪大了还是要多陪陪家人。
由此市场突变, 她老婆都要打包走人了。 也是格局泊大。
跟 j p m 博奕的时候 也是心里比较强大的。 可能来源于年轻锻炼出来的胆力。
他那个时候真有点像Peter lintch 一开始在信息上就能有一个arbitrage
我觉得她们基本就是跟你说一个入门。 或者就是对过去市场的洞察和经验。
往前看, 的宏观操盘的人不多
谈宏观的人也不做投资。。。。 也不必对自己的话负责任。