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作者:TPMT (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:3831) 发表:2020-09-03 12:23:39  楼主  关注此帖
请教各位一个research的基本问题导师给了我一个T or F 的问题 when P is 0.001, meaning there is 1% probability that the null hypothesis is not being true. 我的理解 If P=0.01, so there is a 1% chance that the data groups have no difference while 99% of the chance that the groups have differences. So this is statistically significant as p is less than 0.05. P value is the probability of getting the results if the null hypothesis is true. So we have a 1% of getting the result if the null hypothesis is true which is no difference. 所以我的答案是 false 然后prof说不对啊,这是基本问题咋答不上来呢。正确答案是true 我之后请教队友,队友跟我理解的还是一样。。 请教了工作友人医生们,还是跟我去理解的一样啊。 难道做了一堆trials发布过N篇papers的也理解错了这个P and Ho吗? 导师还没来得及回答我问题,已经email她。今天我不死心七早八早又找了一堆basic的书,almond ans walker 就说 “the smaller the p value the smaller the likelihood that the null hypothesis is true”... 这也是跟我理解的一样啊。 是在无解,请教各位大神来看看。 -

撇开严谨性,答案是false。但如果你写的问题是你导师问题的原话,先不谈T or F,他这个问题的表述的句式就违反了基本的统计学概念。正确的叙述应该是:
When P is 0.01, it means that "the probability is 1% to observe the result obtained assuming the null hypothesis is true".

所有statistical tests只能回答概率,不能证明对错。任何结论都是基于confidence level。撇开CL来解读结果显著性都没任何意义。所以类似于"no difference"的结论性表述都是错误的。正确的表述应该是“no evidence to show the difference"。
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." -- Samuel Beckett
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作者:TPMT (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:3831) 发表:2020-09-03 23:39:08  2楼
请教各位一个research的基本问题导师给了我一个T or F 的问题 when P is 0.001, meaning there is 1% probability that the null hypothesis is not being true. 我的理解 If P=0.01, so there is a 1% chance that the data groups have no difference while 99% of the chance that the groups have differences. So this is statistically significant as p is less than 0.05. P value is the probability of getting the results if the null hypothesis is true. So we have a 1% of getting the result if the null hypothesis is true which is no difference. 所以我的答案是 false 然后prof说不对啊,这是基本问题咋答不上来呢。正确答案是true 我之后请教队友,队友跟我理解的还是一样。。 请教了工作友人医生们,还是跟我去理解的一样啊。 难道做了一堆trials发布过N篇papers的也理解错了这个P and Ho吗? 导师还没来得及回答我问题,已经email她。今天我不死心七早八早又找了一堆basic的书,almond ans walker 就说 “the smaller the p value the smaller the likelihood that the null hypothesis is true”... 这也是跟我理解的一样啊。 是在无解,请教各位大神来看看。 -
那判断有问题的表述的T or F,意义不大了吧。
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作者:TPMT (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:3831) 发表:2020-09-03 23:54:53  3楼
看来看去怎么像是理解上的问题 英文或者提议问题的核心是什么,P的意义呢, 问题是怎么问的 某命题成立,误差在P=0.01的水平 意思是命题为真,为假的概率为0.01, 那么假发生的可能在0.01就是成立的(true) 所以,你老师在问什么呢? 或者我根本就搞错了?
你的表述把P和alpha (Type I error)搞混了~
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