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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2008-06-15 01:02:49  21楼 评分:
HOT!2008年个人赛女子组第四轮排阵!第一台陈茗芳先手迎战张玥 (more...)
陈茗芳 和 张玥
黄扬策 负 魏琬妮
萧慧贤 负 苏盈盈
陈靖媗 胜 牛宇超
洪黛欢 胜 林欣蓉
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2008-06-15 01:11:11  22楼 评分:
HOT!2008年个人赛A组第四轮排阵!第一台胡海宇先手迎战吕瑞展 (more...)

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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2008-06-15 01:16:52  23楼 评分:
HOT!2008年个人赛B组第四轮排阵!第一台刘广强先手迎战刘亿豪 (more...)

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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2008-06-15 01:45:47  24楼
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-15 01:50:01  25楼
女子组6轮 -- Round 5 : 15 Jun Sun 1:30 pm and Round 6 : 17 Jun Tue 8 pm
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-15 01:51:37  26楼
In 2007, 5 points with higher minor scores can move into Top 4 ....
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作者:Eteng (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:282) 发表:2008-06-15 03:23:05  27楼
HOT!2008年个人赛A组第五轮排阵!第一台吴宗翰先手迎战胡海宇 (more...)
手心手背都是肉, 干脆你们和了吧:)
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2008-06-15 09:29:27  28楼
Discussion. Why 几度 always come late in the match?
1. Physcological effect? Let opponent level of guard drop.
2. See opponent down.(I heard from one player's comment, not mine. Don't tulan me...)
3. Due to work. (But Saturday he also late)
4. Just a bad habit.
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作者:一刀n断 (等级:20 - 华新元老,发帖:9771) 发表:2008-06-15 10:19:16  29楼 评分:
Discussion. Why 几度 always come late in the match?1. Physcological effect? Let opponent level of guard drop. 2. See opponent down.(I heard from one player's comment, not mine. Don't tulan me...) 3. Due to work. (But Saturday he also late) 4. Just a bad habit.
1. Physcological effect? Let opponent level of guard drop.

我想A组的高手下A组的比赛 您要是认为会有人因为对手迟到就放松警惕 从而没有办法进入理想的状态 您这句就是See所有A组高手down了 胜尚且要不骄 仅时间占优就沾沾自喜忘乎所以是A组高手们应具备的心理素质吗? 不是。大家都没这么简单 所以没人有必要跟别人玩这么没有技术含量的心理战术 对吧?

2. See opponent down.(I heard from one player's comment, not mine. Don't tulan me...)

我相信凡是跟几度下过棋的人 都应该有所了解他挺谦逊和蔼的
昨天的比赛 吕大侠挟全胜之威坐第一台迎战几度 要是有人觉得几度还可以因为轻敌而故意迟到27分钟 引用去年一部经典喜剧的台词 这不光“侮辱了人格 还侮辱了智商” 几度也没那么笨 80分钟的比赛还给对手33.75% Off ???

3. Due to work. (But Saturday he also late)

昨天他是有做工 生活压力大啊 拜六要做工的人不在少数吧 去跟政府反映反映吧...

4. Just a bad habit.

几度争战棋坛也有年头了 是不是有迟到坏习惯的人大家有目共睹 谁都有因为做工,事业甚至一些琐事在一段时间内比较繁忙难以抽身的时候 何况这次比赛地点有点偏远 大家也都是清楚的 为什么不能包容一些呢? 是不是因为几度现在暂列榜首才遭此非议呢? 今天是很关键的一个比赛日 下午和晚上连续两场比赛 对选手的体力 心理素质和意志力都是一大考验 这个时候您早晨上来发表这么一个讨论 您有没有想过会给几度增加很大的心理压力? 甚至影响他今后的发挥? 您现在说这些是不是很不合时宜呢? 请好好想想。

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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-15 10:59:38  30楼
请原谅我用华语回答您一些我的想法1. Physcological effect? Let opponent level of guard drop. 我想A组的高手下A组的比赛 您要是认为会有人因为对手迟到就放松警惕 从而没有办法进入理想的状态 您这句就是See所有A组高手down了 胜尚且要不骄 仅时间占优就沾沾自喜忘乎所以是A组高手们应具备的心理素质吗? 不是。大家都没这么简单 所以没人有必要跟别人玩这么没有技术含量的心理战术 对吧? 2. See opponent down.(I heard from one player's comment, not mine. Don't tulan me...) 我相信凡是跟几度下过棋的人 都应该有所了解他挺谦逊和蔼的 昨天的比赛 吕大侠挟全胜之威坐第一台迎战几度 要是有人觉得几度还可以因为轻敌而故意迟到27分钟 引用去年一部经典喜剧的台词 这不光“侮辱了人格 还侮辱了智商” 几度也没那么笨 80分钟的比赛还给对手33.75% Off ??? 3. Due to work. (But Saturday he also late) 昨天他是有做工 生活压力大啊 拜六要做工的人不在少数吧 去跟政府反映反映吧... 4. Just a bad habit. 几度争战棋坛也有年头了 是不是有迟到坏习惯的人大家有目共睹 谁都有因为做工,事业甚至一些琐事在一段时间内比较繁忙难以抽身的时候 何况这次比赛地点有点偏远 大家也都是 (more...)
We like to encourage all graded players to join Group A, as many as possible ..

we hope this year all 22 players can complete all 9 rounds or the most skip one round.

For whatever reason, I will give my support to those (including myself) who are able to join and complete the games each year.

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作者:一刀n断 (等级:20 - 华新元老,发帖:9771) 发表:2008-06-15 11:11:56  31楼
A组第四轮(2):后手临场布怪阵,先手胜得轻松写意!!!图一:吴宗翰胜黄培森 图二:刘郁兴胜邱冠杰 图三:梁文杰胜曹子航 图四:范永康胜洪泉发 (more...)
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作者:几度 (等级:12 - 登峰造极,发帖:3128) 发表:2008-06-15 11:23:37  32楼 评分:
Discussion. Why 几度 always come late in the match?1. Physcological effect? Let opponent level of guard drop. 2. See opponent down.(I heard from one player's comment, not mine. Don't tulan me...) 3. Due to work. (But Saturday he also late) 4. Just a bad habit.
Thanks for your post that let me have an opportunity to explain. Like many other players people talk about frequently in this tournament, I am suddenly busy for work these 2 weeks. I am helping my ex-company on some projects. Recently they might have some internal coordination issues and I had to stay late to help complete the work. I don't mean to take advantage of my opponents to keep them waitng. For yesterday tournament, I actually had asked Huang Jun Ming to inform my opponent that I probably would be late for 20 minutes and he did so. Eventually I could only left Little India at 7pm + and took a taxi down. I was lucky to make it in time. I feel sorry for my opponents to keep them waiting, and agree that it is not a good habit - well, I have never tried to make it a habit though.

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作者:几度 (等级:12 - 登峰造极,发帖:3128) 发表:2008-06-15 11:31:48  33楼
请原谅我用华语回答您一些我的想法1. Physcological effect? Let opponent level of guard drop. 我想A组的高手下A组的比赛 您要是认为会有人因为对手迟到就放松警惕 从而没有办法进入理想的状态 您这句就是See所有A组高手down了 胜尚且要不骄 仅时间占优就沾沾自喜忘乎所以是A组高手们应具备的心理素质吗? 不是。大家都没这么简单 所以没人有必要跟别人玩这么没有技术含量的心理战术 对吧? 2. See opponent down.(I heard from one player's comment, not mine. Don't tulan me...) 我相信凡是跟几度下过棋的人 都应该有所了解他挺谦逊和蔼的 昨天的比赛 吕大侠挟全胜之威坐第一台迎战几度 要是有人觉得几度还可以因为轻敌而故意迟到27分钟 引用去年一部经典喜剧的台词 这不光“侮辱了人格 还侮辱了智商” 几度也没那么笨 80分钟的比赛还给对手33.75% Off ??? 3. Due to work. (But Saturday he also late) 昨天他是有做工 生活压力大啊 拜六要做工的人不在少数吧 去跟政府反映反映吧... 4. Just a bad habit. 几度争战棋坛也有年头了 是不是有迟到坏习惯的人大家有目共睹 谁都有因为做工,事业甚至一些琐事在一段时间内比较繁忙难以抽身的时候 何况这次比赛地点有点偏远 大家也都是 (more...)


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作者:几度 (等级:12 - 登峰造极,发帖:3128) 发表:2008-06-15 11:33:43  34楼
手心手背都是肉, 干脆你们和了吧:)父亲节快乐
你到场支持,说不定我们就和了。 :P
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2008-06-15 11:38:52  35楼 评分:
Discussion. Why 几度 always come late in the match?1. Physcological effect? Let opponent level of guard drop. 2. See opponent down.(I heard from one player's comment, not mine. Don't tulan me...) 3. Due to work. (But Saturday he also late) 4. Just a bad habit.
due to work, 几度,将五进九,etc. need to work on weekends.
Singapore is like that if one wants to strive to have good life.
Take me as an example, a few years ago, I need to work on every Sat & Sun. Please take note, every Sat & every Sun.
In the current company, our finance department staffs are again working on many Sat & Sun. Luckily I am not in that department. Also, I have a team of 70 people working for IBM and they are on 24 by 7 support. It doesn't matter it's Sat or Sun, if clients' servers are down, the staffs need to stop playing chess or watching movie and go back to work immediately. (e.g. some projects are for hospital computer servers, servers down may cause patient die)

在没有正当理由的情况下迟到肯定是不对的。写了上面这些是希望告诉朋友们,大量的工作在周末需要加班。也正因为新加坡人民和外来劳工的勤劳,加上MM Lee出色的智慧,才使得新加坡经济在几十年间飞速发展,在东南亚鹤立鸡群,独占鳌头!

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作者:Eteng (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:282) 发表:2008-06-15 12:33:22  36楼
谢谢一刀n断帮我说话,不过我有些意见必须说一下。bls最近的一些帖子似乎在针对我,不过事实没这么严重吧。他提出来,我还有个解释的机会,如果是真的错了,也可以改正。所谓有则改之,无则加勉。象棋本身是纯洁的,象棋圈也应该多一些谅解,多一些讨论,少一些误会。有些事情说出来总比闷在心里好。 对吕瑞展一盘,时间不是主要问题。他输是因为开局失先了,造成在后来的复杂对攻中吃亏。双方的时间很大程度上是消耗在前20回合的。应该说,吕瑞展今年已经是强手了。我对他那盘,后来回想,其实他走得一直不错,有几步着法还超出了我的估计。希望他不会因为受这局的胜败影响,保持状态,继续良好发挥。
一刀n断说得对,如果您看谁不爽的话可以直接在棋盘上较量,没有必要在这边 搬弄是非 挑拨离间

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作者:网络蚂蚁 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:192) 发表:2008-06-15 13:07:31  37楼
due to work, 几度,将五进九,etc. need to work on weekends.Singapore is like that if one wants to strive to have good life. Take me as an example, a few years ago, I need to work on every Sat & Sun. Please take note, every Sat & every Sun. In the current company, our finance department staffs are again working on many Sat & Sun. Luckily I am not in that department. Also, I have a team of 70 people working for IBM and they are on 24 by 7 support. It doesn't matter it's Sat or Sun, if clients' servers are down, the staffs need to stop playing chess or watching movie and go back to work immediately. (e.g. some projects are for hospital computer servers, servers down may cause patient die) 在没有正当理由的情况下迟到肯定是不对的。写了上面这些是希望告诉朋友们,大量的工作在周末需要加班。也正因为新加坡人民和外来劳工的勤劳,加上MM Lee出色的智慧,才使得新加坡经济在几十年间飞速发展,在东南亚鹤立鸡群,独占鳌头! 最后想说,言论是自由的,bls朋友心中有疑惑问出来是好事情。很多时候信息不充分造成了误会。
bls 大概还在就学吧!

Some sudden issues on work usual crop up initial planing.
(depend on which line or scope you work for).

You may experience that in later stage .
Else hope you ready can get those 9-5 working hour jobs.
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作者:网络蚂蚁 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:192) 发表:2008-06-15 13:28:42  38楼
手心手背都是肉, 干脆你们和了吧:)父亲节快乐
Left 2 rounds.
Both of them still possible need to faced to (熊国伟),康德荣,黄俊明
No of them have obvious advantage against the top 3 listed person.

Can assume that whoever the one to get the very first 4 points will qualified for 2nd round.
For the previous 3 champions it likely will have 2 of them in the next round .

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作者:火云邪神 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:373) 发表:2008-06-15 21:13:48  39楼 评分:
Discussion. Why 几度 always come late in the match?1. Physcological effect? Let opponent level of guard drop. 2. See opponent down.(I heard from one player's comment, not mine. Don't tulan me...) 3. Due to work. (But Saturday he also late) 4. Just a bad habit.
The purpose of a forum is meant for people from all walks of life with a common passion to discuss and interact. It is this passion that brings all of us together. There is no reason to make sarcastic remarks against anyone.


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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2008-06-15 23:17:10  40楼
Discussion. Why 几度 always come late in the match?1. Physcological effect? Let opponent level of guard drop. 2. See opponent down.(I heard from one player's comment, not mine. Don't tulan me...) 3. Due to work. (But Saturday he also late) 4. Just a bad habit.
My sincere apology to 几度 and all.
I am sorry that my comment create such upset. My apology. I didn't know 几度 is a busy man as I saw his posting here quite often and had the impression he is quite free person.
I always have the impression that players should start the game on time, just like we must try to be on time for an important appointment. However I realised my comment to 几度 was unjustified. Yes, work is always more important then chess. Sorry, please accept my apology.
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