Singapore is like that if one wants to strive to have good life.
Take me as an example, a few years ago, I need to work on every Sat & Sun. Please take note, every Sat & every Sun.
In the current company, our finance department staffs are again working on many Sat & Sun. Luckily I am not in that department. Also, I have a team of 70 people working for IBM and they are on 24 by 7 support. It doesn't matter it's Sat or Sun, if clients' servers are down, the staffs need to stop playing chess or watching movie and go back to work immediately. (e.g. some projects are for hospital computer servers, servers down may cause patient die)
在没有正当理由的情况下迟到肯定是不对的。写了上面这些是希望告诉朋友们,大量的工作在周末需要加班。也正因为新加坡人民和外来劳工的勤劳,加上MM Lee出色的智慧,才使得新加坡经济在几十年间飞速发展,在东南亚鹤立鸡群,独占鳌头!