请原谅我用华语回答您一些我的想法1. Physcological effect? Let opponent level of guard drop.
我想A组的高手下A组的比赛 您要是认为会有人因为对手迟到就放松警惕 从而没有办法进入理想的状态 您这句就是See所有A组高手down了 胜尚且要不骄 仅时间占优就沾沾自喜忘乎所以是A组高手们应具备的心理素质吗? 不是。大家都没这么简单 所以没人有必要跟别人玩这么没有技术含量的心理战术 对吧?
2. See opponent down.(I heard from one player's comment, not mine. Don't tulan me...)
我相信凡是跟几度下过棋的人 都应该有所了解他挺谦逊和蔼的
昨天的比赛 吕大侠挟全胜之威坐第一台迎战几度 要是有人觉得几度还可以因为轻敌而故意迟到27分钟 引用去年一部经典喜剧的台词 这不光“侮辱了人格 还侮辱了智商” 几度也没那么笨 80分钟的比赛还给对手33.75% Off ???
3. Due to work. (But Saturday he also late)
昨天他是有做工 生活压力大啊 拜六要做工的人不在少数吧 去跟政府反映反映吧...
4. Just a bad habit.
几度争战棋坛也有年头了 是不是有迟到坏习惯的人大家有目共睹 谁都有因为做工,事业甚至一些琐事在一段时间内比较繁忙难以抽身的时候 何况这次比赛地点有点偏远 大家也都是 (more...)
We like to encourage all graded players to join Group A, as many as possible ..
we hope this year all 22 players can complete all 9 rounds or the most skip one round.
For whatever reason, I will give my support to those (including myself) who are able to join and complete the games each year.
we hope this year all 22 players can complete all 9 rounds or the most skip one round.
For whatever reason, I will give my support to those (including myself) who are able to join and complete the games each year.