居安思危:如果明年棋一生复出参赛+棋人生闭关修炼+卷心菜忙于结婚,谁能接任The comment from most of the players for the immediatle chess info on this forum is very positive. 从10多岁的学生到60多岁的老棋手,都有人来华新网找资料,看棋讯。
忙于结婚 ? Of course not me, my children too .....
ended up I am busy too on etc etc including renovation for my new flat next year.
居安思危:如果明年棋一生复出参赛+棋人生闭关修炼+卷心菜忙于结婚,谁能接任The comment from most of the players for the immediatle chess info on this forum is very positive. 从10多岁的学生到60多岁的老棋手,都有人来华新网找资料,看棋讯。
Yes, better to plan with more rounds in the rules .......
e.g. if starting with 9 rounds planning for ladies, then just use Round Robin System for 10 players.
Since the existing rules with 7 rounds, usually you only can plan with same or less rounds and not more rounds as some of the players may not free to play for the additional round(s).
居安思危:如果明年棋一生复出参赛+棋人生闭关修炼+卷心菜忙于结婚,谁能接任The comment from most of the players for the immediatle chess info on this forum is very positive. 从10多岁的学生到60多岁的老棋手,都有人来华新网找资料,看棋讯。