Sharing: My experience of online dating
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作者:九哥笨的要死 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:41) 发表:2006-12-07 11:54:38  221楼
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作者:六月雪 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:242) 发表:2006-12-07 17:51:46  222楼
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作者:六月雪 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:242) 发表:2006-12-07 17:52:50  223楼
但是对远距离爱情没有什么信心, 也许又是一段没有结果的感情.
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作者:六月雪 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:242) 发表:2006-12-07 17:53:51  224楼
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-12-07 19:10:15  225楼
笑死了, 九哥应该不会对我有兴趣的, 他已经被我吓到了.
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作者:六月雪 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:242) 发表:2006-12-07 22:18:28  226楼
其实应该还有一种overconfident guys..
i did receive a letter, the guy never introduce himself..but just asked me to add his MSN so tat he can check more information on me...
and the worse thing is, he ended his msg with: to you, i am TOO GOOD !
i almost vomit my blood!..dont understand..since u look down on me..why bother to come to check!
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-12-07 23:54:13  227楼
我真的希望我可以做到这样, 但是他没有给我这个勇气, 他选择逃避.
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作者:wonder (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:5) 发表:2006-12-08 10:36:40  228楼
good writing reflecting the discrepancy of Ideal and Reality
the only way is to make sure what we want and then keep trying.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-12-08 15:18:11  229楼
good writing reflecting the discrepancy of Ideal and Realitythe only way is to make sure what we want and then keep trying.
yes, i admit i have a weakness for romantism, i will keep trying, thanks
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作者:狮城乖乖龙 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:70) 发表:2006-12-08 18:58:44  230楼
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作者:九哥笨的要死 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:41) 发表:2006-12-09 22:02:17  231楼
笑死了, 九哥应该不会对我有兴趣的, 他已经被我吓到了.
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作者:六月雪 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:242) 发表:2006-12-11 22:51:46  232楼
我真的希望我可以做到这样, 但是他没有给我这个勇气, 他选择逃避.
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作者:sunnyone (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2148) 发表:2006-12-22 00:49:06  233楼
don't really get what you mean......are you saying i am expecting too much?i am aware that i am not perfect either, and it's not reasonable to ask for a perfect bf/husband, but i can't force myself to accept someone who is repulsive, irresponsible, obnoxious and dirty-minded (that's just me). I don't want to find someone to get married just because i am getting older each day, and i don't want to get married just because peer pressure and family pressure. If such man doesn't exist, i would rather stay single, probably will lead a happier and better life that way.
顶这个, 这种事情,确实不能凑合
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作者:sunnyone (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2148) 发表:2006-12-22 01:08:10  234楼
看个人的吧, 我觉得很多时候是男生无法接受比自己高的女生.
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作者:sunnyone (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2148) 发表:2006-12-22 01:27:25  235楼
以为自己找到了, 但是好难......最近见了一个男生, 很有好感, 可以算是一拍即合吧, 而且他也很喜欢我. PS 比我矮一点. 但是他就要去美国读书一年了, 我们都很犹豫到底是否要对这段感情付出. 其实和他聊天很久了, 但是一直没有出来见面, 就是因为他要去美国了所以就临走前见了一面,谁知道一面变成了好多面. 但是他要出国学习, 我们没有什么时间在一起了,所以现在就挺尴尬的. 他不要我等他, 大概也是不想自己有太大的思想包袱, 而我也觉得一年内不知道会发生什么事情. 所以就决定暂时把这份感情搁在一边, 约好一年后如果彼此都单身那就继续发展我们的姻缘, 不然就是有缘无分了. 不知道为何觉得内心还是有点伤感, 虽然对他认识不深, 但就是很想和他在一起的感觉, 可惜他现在对爱情处于怀疑阶段, 所以很忧郁做出任何决定. 就看一年后如何了..... 人是找到了, 但是天时地利不和啊. 命运真是捉弄人啊
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作者:Winsome (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:22) 发表:2007-02-06 23:10:47  236楼
不要拿你家亲戚的小概率事件说事我家的七大姑的八大姨的九大婶的小二妹子, 昨天买六合彩中了100万,并不代表每个买六合彩的人都可以中100万, 相反很多人都中不了。
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作者:sahi (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:135) 发表:2007-06-12 20:28:50  237楼
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2007-06-13 17:32:25  238楼
哦, 女强人? 不知道, 可能性格比较刚硬。 呵呵
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作者:pinkhil (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2190) 发表:2007-06-15 09:05:12  239楼
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作者:K-K (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:202) 发表:2007-08-03 20:38:43  240楼
the beauty of diversity
What an interesting article to read. First let me apologize for not reading every reply in this thread. (BTW, I don’t find the interface of huasing very user friendly, especially when reading the replies; and I hate sgchinese too, as it keeps freezing my firefox.) I wish I could have followed this thread since it was posted, but, too bad, I just came back to Singapore about a month ago. And maybe it’s my problem, but I have visited this page many times and this thread didn’t catch my attention until today. Well, it’s probably my bad, as I simply ignored all ‘ding zhi’s assuming that they are all advertisements.

Now, before I give my comments, let me briefly share my experiences during the past 4 weeks in Singapore on, of course, the so-called online dating. I’m honored to get a chance to meet about 10 nice ladies, all through huasing. Well, some may find it a very small sample, especially those like bbcat who may have received over 100 letters; but to me, it’s a fantastic experience. No doubt every one of them is unique - some are relatively short, the rest are taller; some are better looking and the rest are just average; some had next to zero prior experience with males and the rest look more mature; some like to joke around and enjoyed being teased and the rest are more serious; some are more confident and the rest are relatively shy… There is no way I love every one of them – my love one is also unique – but I like them all, seriously and honestly. I exchanged emails with them sharing stories in our everyday life; I had dinner/lunch with every one of them, told them who I am and what I do; I listen to them and get to know their life; we asked questions and exchanged opinions on various matters… Although I need to admit that I stopped sending emails to many of them voluntarily in order to signal that I’m not their ‘cup of tea’, but my intension is just to give them a clear signal so that they can move on from there. I wish them the best luck and would be more than happy to be one of their best friends if they feel the same.

Note that there is no major difference between my experience and bbcat’s, IMHO, except that I met the gals and she met the guys. In general these people are from the same pool, i.e., those from mainland China, and in particular those who did their undergrad or grad study in Singapore. What makes it different is one’s perception. I don’t want to go any further to teach others what to do and what not to do, and it’s not my intension to draw a conclusion on who is right and who is wrong. I just wish to share with everyone my .02 worth. It is a good idea to keep our minds open, look at the positive side of everything, try to appreciate others’ opinion and personal interests even if those are absolutely what you want to avoid, and last but not the least give your sincere respect to others.

What I would like to emphasize, at the end, is the beauty of diversity. I understand that the one you met may not be ‘the one’ that you are looking for, but in most cases, there is nothing right or wrong when it comes to anything about one’s preference. When I say preference I refer to anything/everything which one is free to choose from and at the same time which wouldn’t affect the life of those around. It can even be extended although I don’t think I want to go that far in this discussion.

Well, it’s probably too much for today. Sorry for the “guan shui”. Friday night without a date makes me wonder what to do, and here I found this interesting article from bbcat. No offense intended to anyone, especially bbcat, and, happy reading. :)
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