=========week 3 结束============
所在版块:体坛风云 发贴时间:2013-12-16 23:25

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
It has been a crazy week! 各种加班,各种突发事件,well,幸亏有这个workout plan,否则真心顶不住了。

本周继续调整饮食,高蛋白,低碳水。实践 zig zag饮食法,我采用的是三天低卡,两天高卡。

1)运动强度增强之后 通常姨妈出走



• In 08 还是很挑战,逐渐琢磨到一些动作的精髓,真是每个动作都是让人力竭。
• 负重深蹲增加到每个哑铃15lbs,20个一组,做五组。
• headstand 可以慢慢不靠墙 坚持半分钟

下面是zig zag饮食法的介绍
Zig-Zag Carb Cycling Diet For Fat loss

Zig zagging calories for fat loss is awesome! Been doing it for a long time now, I got from 35% bodyfat to 3.5% bodyfat with it, in just a matter of 4 months, that is MUCH faster than just eating low calories most of the time! Plus I maintained ALL my muscle in the process. This is (I believe) the secret to getting ripped fast! So read carefully..

Zig Zagging(急转)卡路里法减脂法十分神奇! 通过这个方法,我在4个月里面,体脂率从35% 降到了3.5%。 这比一直吃低卡饮食快多了! 而且在这个过程中,我没有失去一点肌肉。我相信这就是快速减脂的秘密! 所以请仔细阅读下面的内容
The best zig zagging method I have came up with is to eat low calories for 2-3 days, then high calories for 2-5 days, then repeat. On the high days, you generally increase your complex carb intake, and fat intake (near the end of the phase) as well, protein should remain the same on both high and low days. Reading down below on this page you will get a better understanding of how to do "Clean Bulking". that refers to getting and staying lean all the time while gaining muscle at the same time.
最好的zig zagging方法是:
继续读你会进一步理解如何做 "Clean Bulking(膨胀)", 关于如何做到和保持一直瘦而且同时增肌。

The main way this diet works is the zig-zagging of the starchy carbs, where we avoid starchy carbs (like bread, pizza, pasta, potatoes, rice) during the low days and only eat them during the high days, this enables your metabolism to run smoothly all the time (even during the low days), and keep the hormone insulin low during the low days so fat loss will occur. Muscle maintenance is also there thanks to all the high days and the carb load meals.
这种饮食奏效的主要方法在于 淀粉类碳水化合物的Zig-Zaggging,如,面包,披萨,意大利面,土豆,米饭等。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
2013年12月健身计划~ qingtian   (3576 bytes , 1059reads )
=========week 3 结束============ qingtian   (2814 bytes , 208reads )
哇,都不敢再看下去了,暴力 iUfamily   (0 bytes , 152reads )
没那么恐怖啦,运动是一种习惯:) qingtian   (0 bytes , 96reads )
流!弊! 大草   (69 bytes , 83reads )
nono...还是过了春节吧!哈哈 qingtian   (28 bytes , 98reads )
============week 2 结束============ qingtian   (830 bytes , 119reads )
head stand!牛逼了 靠墙吗? 空中楼阁   (34 bytes , 94reads )
刚开始需要靠墙,找平衡,头顶地 qingtian   (80 bytes , 92reads )
好滴 我试试 空中楼阁   (0 bytes , 86reads )
太牛了!!这运动量疯狂啊。。 Sunnyan   (44 bytes , 98reads )
可以的,多摄入蛋白质,保肌,就有力了 qingtian   (0 bytes , 93reads )
赞楼主,今天也刚跑完stand chart 空中楼阁   (41 bytes , 95reads )
我这两周穿插几次无氧,练腿臀,很不错 qingtian   (32 bytes , 126reads )
这也太生猛了! digitalsoon   (0 bytes , 90reads )
12月的目标就是把in跳完 柒柒会傲娇   (124 bytes , 86reads )
勇敢的迈向month2 吧,效果绝对惊艳~ qingtian   (22 bytes , 93reads )
12月的目标就是把in跳完=_= 柒柒会傲娇   (124 bytes , 86reads )
楼主强大呀,你定能成功!等着分享你的战果! 自然之道   (50 bytes , 126reads )
不好意思上周太忙没能回复,下载链接请进 qingtian   (186 bytes , 99reads )
赞!好猛啊! 新生   (0 bytes , 146reads )
======Week 1总结========== qingtian   (1159 bytes , 138reads )
这训练好凶残,一天接一天,不停歇。 怀空   (0 bytes , 99reads )
给你这运动量跪了…… 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 102reads )
其实没那么恐怖。。。你in跳的咋样了? qingtian   (0 bytes , 96reads )
太强悍了! 佩服! 新生   (0 bytes , 142reads )
沙发 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 106reads )
沙发,好厉害! 小叶女贞   (36 bytes , 109reads )
加油加油。我在写个In撸后感,还没憋出来~ qingtian   (0 bytes , 94reads )