Bao Magistrate here... Way Ooo.......!
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2011-07-24 21:31

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Everyone here, be it a reader, player, victims or passer-by, listen to Bao Da Ren:

I have gone through all the postings in detail and this is my 'verdict':

(1) Bls - A straight-talker who care most of the time caustic. Please control your emotions and excerpts as sometimes truth hurts. Although this is just a forum and your words doessn't do physical harm but remember this: "The pen is mightier than the sword".

(2) Einstein - I dont know why you are part of this foray but you are not. There could be some misunderstanding, just embrace Cai and his shortcomings just like you love nature. Cai is a fine young man. May peace be with you and do visit the site, dont ban yourself.

(3) Quan Xin Cai - Thanks for your contribution but help to maintain this site. Don't give up becos of some superficial war of words. Lao fu has come across many sites and heard worse things than that where verbal abuse are hurled across the forum.This is considered mild here, bls meant no harm.

(4) Yi Dao - Although you are a controller here but everyone should be entitled to their opinion. Yes, personal attacks are not healthy but sometimes comments/opinion can help to improve oneself. Oh, by the way, you should not have use 'mother' in your comments. You are a role-model of the society (teacher) and this is not right. Your students may be reading this forum. Please take note.

(5) Tou Tian Miao shou and Luo Shan Er - Every community has blacksheeps and i have seen what your comments were. Stop rubbing salt on wounds or Shan Feng Dian Huo. People like you guys sometimes may unwittingly create disharmony. Do kindly stop it. Make love, not war.

(6) Sech - I hereby "sentence" you to 'unlawful' use of company resources to hack into one's IP and exposing all players. Read the Laws of IT Governance. Stay where you are now. Do it again, you will know the consequences.

My final advise to all real chess lovers, please have peace. This is a small community and words can sometimes be misunleading or create miscommunication. Do not worry. Life should goes on here and everyone to shake hands and look forward. *Court session over....Way Oooooo....*


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