Sorry if I hurt any of you and your “face”, by pricking the bubble.
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2011-07-24 09:54

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I have been surfing 悟入棋途 for 2 years, recently my company is doing a project with a tool can trace IP, so I happened to see a lot of funny things here, people act like a superman, change a suit and shoot others. It is unfair for the others. You may think you are just frankly speaking or making a joke or being naughty , but others may not. They may feel hurt, like our dearest Cabbage, because our human language like signaling has an output port and an input port, the two ports have different ports-settings and working mechanisms.

We don’t want to see 悟入棋途 closed after benefiting us so many years. But may I suggest if it is possible to build a real name community at 悟入棋途, means people use their real names (like “王印”), to prevent such kind of farce happening again?

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
ID bls 无限期禁言 临别赠你一句话 一刀n断   (44 bytes , 1667reads )
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Bao Magistrate here... Way Ooo.......! BaoQinTian   (2152 bytes , 432reads )
笑, 一刀n断   (501 bytes , 301reads )
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无论哪个马甲,说的都是真心话! 火影   (79 bytes , 392reads )
Sorry if I hurt any of you and your “face”, by pricking the bubble. sech   (792 bytes , 359reads )
有棋友提醒,无奈再回这个贴并申明。 火影   (811 bytes , 376reads )
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我觉得你才是太过分! xiaobeidou   (335 bytes , 276reads )
都说不来了,还JJYY的每帖必回,真让人看不下去! 偷天妙手   (288 bytes , 334reads )
敬请大家不要意气用事,要多多珍惜这个版位,得来不易,守业难哦! 棋儒   (1006 bytes , 401reads )
Also sorry to Cabbage if I have offended him in anyway....(final posting) Einstein   (563 bytes , 398reads )
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您又戳中我笑点了 洛三儿   (64 bytes , 355reads )
哦,对了 洛三儿   (185 bytes , 325reads )
这太犀利了 洛三儿   (116 bytes , 318reads )
I also withdraw! 棋一生   (1 bytes , 277reads )
me also withdraw 卷心菜   (274 bytes , 273reads )
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