所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2011-07-24 17:49

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ID bls 无限期禁言 临别赠你一句话 一刀n断   (44 bytes , 1705reads )
是不是要给原因以作存档。 SG-Reporter   (46 bytes , 373reads )
《华新论坛守则》第二章第7条及第三章第2条 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 302reads )
大家都太冲动了! 九阳真经   (0 bytes , 326reads )
同意! 鹏鹏哥   (139 bytes , 237reads )
不公平。 一刀n断处事明显不公。 火影   (172 bytes , 420reads )
Bao Magistrate here... Way Ooo.......! BaoQinTian   (2152 bytes , 439reads )
笑, 一刀n断   (501 bytes , 304reads )
一些棋友,包括我,都只看到问题的片面,造成误会一场! 棋一生   (862 bytes , 263reads )
笑,办 碧山等一系列马甲的时候各位前辈怎么不抗议呢 洛三儿   (357 bytes , 419reads )
laugh, if you know how to trace IP, you will know why someone says unfair sech   (140 bytes , 618reads )
无论哪个马甲,说的都是真心话! 火影   (79 bytes , 399reads )
Sorry if I hurt any of you and your “face”, by pricking the bubble. sech   (792 bytes , 369reads )
有棋友提醒,无奈再回这个贴并申明。 火影   (811 bytes , 384reads )
I am wondering why you are still talking a lot on 棋力 at this moment sech   (1671 bytes , 395reads )
敢问阁下(SCEH),你是何方神圣呢? ZJS   (32 bytes , 288reads )
If Sorry can cure all wounds we don't need prisons and policeman xiaobeidou   (154 bytes , 306reads )
我觉得你才是太过分! xiaobeidou   (335 bytes , 282reads )
都说不来了,还JJYY的每帖必回,真让人看不下去! 偷天妙手   (288 bytes , 343reads )
敬请大家不要意气用事,要多多珍惜这个版位,得来不易,守业难哦! 棋儒   (1006 bytes , 409reads )
Also sorry to Cabbage if I have offended him in anyway....(final posting) Einstein   (563 bytes , 408reads )
用马甲说过激的“真心话”从版面管理者角度有时是难以接受的 一刀n断   (112 bytes , 343reads )
您又戳中我笑点了 洛三儿   (64 bytes , 363reads )
哦,对了 洛三儿   (185 bytes , 334reads )
这太犀利了 洛三儿   (116 bytes , 326reads )
I also withdraw! 棋一生   (1 bytes , 283reads )
me also withdraw 卷心菜   (274 bytes , 281reads )
那我去跟华新技术部和内容部申请关了这版吧! 一刀n断   (114 bytes , 301reads )
不轻言放弃•不误入岐途 田田一棋   (493 bytes , 297reads )