半决赛 -- 26/04/2010 27/04/2010 决赛 -- 28/04/2010 29/04/2010
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2010-04-27 07:38

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

26/04/2010 9:00 半决赛及5-8名第1局比赛。
27/04/2010 9:00 半决赛及5-8名第2局比赛。
28/04/2010 9:00 冠亞军及第3,4名决赛第1局比赛。
29/04/2010 9:00 冠亞军及第3,4名决赛第2局比赛

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
Few Activities in the coming months ........ 碧山   (285 bytes , 1957reads )
象总 AGM (May 2010) including Elections of New EXCO 碧山   (303 bytes , 399reads )
SIXGA 4 new EXCO members in this year Group B ...... 碧山   (104 bytes , 385reads )
Photos of the 4 new SIXGA EXCO members in 2010 Group B ..... 碧山   (268 bytes , 430reads )
有没有总名单? 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 358reads )
in addition to the above mentioned re-elected 11 old members, .... 碧山   (265 bytes , 516reads )
hear-say, likely appointments for SIXGA 6 new EXCO members ........ 碧山   (227 bytes , 351reads )
恭喜新团员加入!大家为新加坡棋坛努力! SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 402reads )
八年来 (2003 -- 2010) 参加全国赛人数 ......... 碧山   (428 bytes , 431reads )
2010 年A组 -- 26人, B组 Season 1 -- 48人。 碧山   (0 bytes , 347reads )
A few more activities in the coming months ....... 碧山   (1096 bytes , 455reads )
heard that 丹戎巴葛 CC has fund for 棋赛 this year, ............. 碧山   (0 bytes , 386reads )
One of the reaons to defer 碧山杯象棋团体赛 ....... 碧山   (1018 bytes , 469reads )
碧山杯象棋团体赛 during Jan to Jun 2011 if possible 碧山   (1257 bytes , 480reads )
哥南亚逸象棋会六周年会庆曁联谊赛 tentative date 2010年 9月 18日 碧山   (0 bytes , 366reads )
象总 :2010年宗乡会馆联合总会杯学生个人赛 tentative dates 12月4日 至5日 碧山   (0 bytes , 419reads )
友义社社庆联谊赛 -- tentative date 2010年10月 17日 碧山   (0 bytes , 531reads )
2010年红山C.C. 乐龄赛 -- 7月 2日 至 4日 ..... 碧山   (108 bytes , 400reads )
Zaobao Today -- 3 May 2010 Page 8 ......... 碧山   (46 bytes , 450reads )
象棋座谈会 -- 9 May 2010 Sunday at 2:30 PM ....... 碧山   (46 bytes , 377reads )
谢思明座谈会摘录 棋一生   (12789 bytes , 470reads )
“南杨北谢”:南北会师第一战! 棋一生   (3199 bytes , 550reads )
座谈会照片(帮棋一生上传) 张辽   (566 bytes , 556reads )
反宫马是只好马。 kurubear   (34 bytes , 395reads )
[报道---转载]---中国象棋特级大师谢思明来新加坡与棋迷交流 SG-Reporter   (72 bytes , 487reads )
象棋座谈会 -- this afternoon 2:30pm at SIXGA, ..... zb Sunday Page 14 碧山   (0 bytes , 477reads )
Newspaper Cutting .... 碧山   (90 bytes , 423reads )
谢思明和张心欢重逢体现了一个字:“情”,愿人间处处有真情在! 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 522reads )
好象忘记顺便帮全国赛造势。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 380reads )
2010年4月25日下午3时蔡厝港CC友谊赛(6队友谊赛,每队10人) 卷心菜   (85 bytes , 468reads )
成绩:1碧山东第三分区 2飞鹰 3友义社 4哥南亚逸 5波那维斯达 6德惠 卷心菜   (112 bytes , 774reads )
恭喜 : 碧山东第三分区---10人队获胜。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 719reads )
六队负责人请在二点十五分为其代表报到 田田一棋   (196 bytes , 1050reads )
是否可以去拍照做报道? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 481reads )
没法安排到人手过去,需要其他人帮忙拍照、报道。 SG-Reporter   (1 bytes , 410reads )
田田一棋卷心菜可以报道? 碧山   (0 bytes , 422reads )
SG-reporter拍照报导是大好事,肯定可以。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 371reads )
2010年第04届芳庄旅游杯越南象棋公开赛 SG-Reporter   (148 bytes , 612reads )
放心,您去了就是独家。新加坡不是越南。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 537reads )
多谢提醒! 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 845reads )
哪六队? 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 443reads )
六队列表 田田一棋   (73 bytes , 481reads )
六队交义对打一次过 田田一棋   (359 bytes , 790reads )
2010年象总全国个人赛章程 -- Registration to be closed on 2010年5月16日. 碧山   (202 bytes , 636reads )
Two more days to go -- 15 Group A, 21 Group B and 1 lady ...... 碧山   (342 bytes , 462reads )
One more day to go -- 19 Group A, 29 Group B and 3 ladies ...... 碧山   (136 bytes , 542reads )
Tentative numbers -- 23 Group A, 41 Group B and 4 ladies ...... 碧山   (256 bytes , 423reads )
Tentative numbers 2 -- 26 Group A, 42 Group B and 4 ladies ...... 碧山   (121 bytes , 494reads )
26 Group A and 46 Group B if all 4 ladies join Group B ....... 碧山   (0 bytes , 385reads )
48 Group B start now for Round 1 with only two seeded players at ..... 碧山   (95 bytes , 411reads )
I bet on junming as national cham this yr Eteng   (82 bytes , 631reads )
For 2010 Group A Round 1, likely 大师 / 甲级 vs 乙级 碧山   (425 bytes , 400reads )
Do you know who is the one appeared in Group A list for > 10 years ...... 碧山   (394 bytes , 457reads )
我买薪加坡象棋坛指数上 kurubear   (22 bytes , 501reads )
呵呵,薪加坡是大家共同的愿望啊。 几度   (0 bytes , 397reads )
热烈庆祝林耀森大师复出全国赛!!!!!! 卷心菜   (51 bytes , 488reads )
Two others too ......... 碧山   (801 bytes , 470reads )
latest three years 全国个人赛象总有级棋士 .......... 碧山   (405 bytes , 534reads )
尽我最后的力量,恳请赖汉顺大师报名出战全国个人赛! 卷心菜   (154 bytes , 406reads )
Todate -- 9 for Group A and 16 for Group B ...... 8 more days to go .... 碧山   (0 bytes , 383reads )
19 Group B and 1 女子组, 5 more days to go.... 碧山   (0 bytes , 377reads )
今年学生杯棋手有报名吗? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 391reads )
the first few rounds not within school holidays .... 碧山   (0 bytes , 415reads )
10 for Group A and one more week to go ..... 碧山   (820 bytes , 444reads )
各组最少多少人才继续? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 452reads )
2009 -- Group A minimum 20 Group B minimum 40, this year no idea..... 碧山   (99 bytes , 367reads )
今年B组不知道谁会升级呢? 几度   (70 bytes , 425reads )
saw a few names, more to come .....how about other Top 8 from 2009 ? 碧山   (72 bytes , 407reads )
From the rule regarding Positions 5 to 8 ....... 碧山   (229 bytes , 985reads )
The top 8 rule take effect from 2009 ... 1 player in the current 2010 Group B 碧山   (203 bytes , 398reads )
28 May 2010, 星期五 是假日? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 692reads )
Yes, Group B Round 5 at 3 pm. 碧山   (0 bytes , 400reads )
Sorry, 22 May 2010 Saturday 7 pm Round 1for Group B, one day later. 碧山   (0 bytes , 356reads )
this is added reply to SG-Reporter but under wrong post. 碧山   (0 bytes , 461reads )
1 大师 and 5 乙级 and 7 for Group B ....... 2 more weeks for registration...... 碧山   (340 bytes , 429reads )
为了帮助增加全国个人赛报名人数,我今天彻底大摆乌龙! 卷心菜   (136 bytes , 429reads )
以后可能可以 SG-Reporter   (20 bytes , 389reads )
saw these few at SIXGA .......... 碧山   (84 bytes , 387reads )
他们已报名了? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 363reads )
Please turn up on 21 May 2010 Friday 8 pm to check on them. :-) 碧山   (0 bytes , 418reads )
可惜!那几天可能是在check on them(香港棋友). SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 356reads )
At this moment, only one of last year Top 16 registered for this year Group A .. 碧山   (0 bytes , 438reads )
hope to have more players in the coming 10 days before closing ......... 碧山   (408 bytes , 584reads )
彭铂勇夺全英锦标赛冠军 。。。 前八名优胜好手晋升为英国棋协象棋大师 碧山   (3550 bytes , 690reads )
这次10位大师? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 660reads )
下半年由澳洲象棋总会主办的冠军为$1000,总奖金为$2000的”得坤杯”象棋王中王赛。 碧山   (1766 bytes , 464reads )
Likely two international events in these two months for Singapore Players ..... 碧山   (117 bytes , 482reads )
2010淮阴•韩信杯象棋国际名人赛竞 赛 规 程 碧山   (3235 bytes , 389reads )
新加坡吴宗翰棋手回到新加坡了吗? SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 421reads )
江苏淮阴 象棋何以这样“火” 碧山   (2609 bytes , 428reads )
“韩信杯”参赛棋手名单:许银川蒋川赵鑫鑫出战 碧山   (2651 bytes , 373reads )
表演赛吴宗翰最终取得了一胜一和的成绩。。。。。。 碧山   (2296 bytes , 419reads )
A组参赛选手 -- 赵鑫鑫 蒋川 程鸣 伊万·塞蒂亚万 吴贵临 赵国荣 碧山   (0 bytes , 462reads )
B组参赛选手 -- 赖理兄 牟海勤 吴宗翰 许银川 吕钦 阮成保 碧山   (0 bytes , 458reads )
韩信杯许银川分组有利 许仙展望卫冕路更多赞扬对手 碧山   (1216 bytes , 351reads )
老夫给小吴设个第八名目标吧 桑原秀策   (43 bytes , 478reads )
8名也不容易。。尽力吧毕竟下这个比赛比下全国赛的压力少。可能会下的凶一点。 xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 1006reads )
”下得凶一点” 对棋手和棋友是非常好的。 SG-Reporter   (37 bytes , 402reads )
2009韩信杯象棋国际名人赛得奖名单。。。 碧山   (200 bytes , 435reads )
第7名越南阮武军 kurubear   (35 bytes , 515reads )
由于场地被征用,轮次09的比赛今日下午已结束。 SG-Reporter   (42 bytes , 728reads )
越南∶新加坡时间4pm---柳大华 1 : 12 盲棋。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 680reads )
结果 : 3胜 7和 2负 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 587reads )
do you have the webside to see those games waterchess   (0 bytes , 470reads )
中国特级大师于幼华和大师孙勇征,台湾棋王吴贵临,香港棋王赵汝权,新加坡梁文杰等 碧山   (680 bytes , 559reads )
决赛 -- 冠亞军第1局阮成保先和孙勇征 -- 3/4名第1局宗室日新先负赖理兄 碧山   (96 bytes , 788reads )
阮成保棋很厉害了,估计在中国能排在30以内了。 qaz   (123 bytes , 870reads )
阮是专业棋手,还是越南等级分排第一的棋手自然比较厉害。 xiaobeidou   (111 bytes , 792reads )
Final Ranking -- 孙勇征 阮成保 赖理兄 宗室日新 陈囯越 于幼华 张亚明 汪洋北 碧山   (0 bytes , 890reads )
2009 and 2010 used 9+1 system for 5 to 12 and 5 to 8 respectively ..... 碧山   (905 bytes , 405reads )
希望十年内会有2,3位新加坡棋手能排名头8以内。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 892reads )
这个目前只有强大师有希望,其他大多在新加坡本地拿个前8都难。 胡萝卜   (89 bytes , 662reads )
all four 阮成保 孙勇征 宗室日新 赖理兄 need to move into 快棋。 。 。 。 碧山   (164 bytes , 401reads )
孙勇征 1.0 - 1.0 阮成保 SG-Reporter   (100 bytes , 416reads )
1-2 排名 SG-Reporter   (46 bytes , 877reads )
越南以后再接再厉! SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 706reads )
新加坡怎么才去一人参赛? 拉矢美黛子   (52 bytes , 480reads )
新加坡台北香港澳门各一个名额,大陆两个名额。 卷心菜   (18 bytes , 345reads )
Top 4 (9 + 2) and Next 4 (9 + 1 ?) -- Day 1 results and Day 2 pairings .... 碧山   (370 bytes , 371reads )
1-4/5-8排名l赛 kurubear   (488 bytes , 389reads )
分先 Round 2 this morning 9 AM ....... 碧山   (72 bytes , 373reads )
All 4 games with 1.5 vs 0.5 results after this morning ...... 碧山   (543 bytes , 388reads )
results adjusted, 阮成保快棋胜赖李兄 .... 碧山   (93 bytes , 603reads )
半决赛 -- 26/04/2010 27/04/2010 决赛 -- 28/04/2010 29/04/2010 碧山   (178 bytes , 351reads )
梁文杰终于在最后一轮逼和越南棋手,最后一刻打破越军不可战胜或战平之神话 卷心菜   (214 bytes , 1052reads )
康大师赢过越军。忘记什么比赛了,记得有领队悬赏杀一个$100. 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 404reads )
第九轮对阵表及八轮后排名情况 卷心菜   (118 bytes , 339reads )
第八轮梁文杰迎来关键一战,必须黑棋拿下对手才有希望摆脱倒数第2。 卷心菜   (408 bytes , 511reads )
第八轮梁文杰负,目前1胜7负。 卷心菜   (163 bytes , 563reads )
2010年第04届芳庄旅游杯越南象棋公开赛预赛第07轮对阵 and 2009 Final Ranking 碧山   (1332 bytes , 504reads )
轮次07---台07--- 吳贵临以反宫马应红方武有强的中炮局。 SG-Reporter   (53 bytes , 537reads )
就正:轮次07---台07--- 吳贵临以屏风马象位车应红方武有强的中炮过河车进中兵。 SG-Reporter   (53 bytes , 635reads )
好象不是台次07的局势 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 656reads )
轮次07---台13--- 梁文杰以中炮应红方陈清新的飞象局 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 520reads )
纠正:轮次07---台13--- 梁文杰以卒底炮中炮应红方陈清新的起7-兵转飞象局 SG-Reporter   (90 bytes , 580reads )
[棋盘] 片段---回合39---兵六进一。 SG-Reporter   (45 bytes , 653reads )
[棋盘] 片段---回合39---兵六进一。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 472reads )
新加坡梁文杰加油,目前1胜5负,希望在最后三轮中取得好成绩! 逢人让双马   (0 bytes , 485reads )
Ranking after Round 3 and Round 4 Pairings ....... 碧山   (2859 bytes , 381reads )
likely 9 + 2 for Top 4 positions and 9 + 1 for next 4 positions ...... 碧山   (1461 bytes , 370reads )
柳大华作为特邀嘉宾,赴越南主要是讲棋和表演。 碧山   (916 bytes , 434reads )
第四届“芳庄旅游杯”越南象棋公开赛 -- 1st Round Pairings ...... 碧山   (1232 bytes , 431reads )
Total 26 players with 20 越南 players .... 碧山   (1208 bytes , 387reads )
by the way go where to see those games waterchess   (0 bytes , 413reads )
one of the websites is ........ 碧山   (93 bytes , 503reads )
Round 1 Results of 6 Non-Vietnam Players ..... 碧山   (62 bytes , 666reads )
Round 2 -- 梁文杰 vs 邹经华 碧山   (0 bytes , 979reads )
Ranking after Round 2 ....... 碧山   (1196 bytes , 458reads )
梁文杰 won 邹经华 Round 3 -- 范启源 vs 梁文杰 赵汝权 vs 吳贵临 碧山   (1498 bytes , 500reads )
Now 茶阳杯 is over, any news on 全国个人赛 ? 碧山   (0 bytes , 375reads )
any news on 8月文礼全国团体邀请赛? 胡萝卜   (54 bytes , 453reads )
This year may not have any 团体赛 ....... 碧山   (350 bytes , 394reads )
很好!另外一个好消息是丹戎巴葛CC以前举办的快棋赛今年也取消了。 卷心菜   (242 bytes , 424reads )
hope that this year still have 象总 :2010年红山C.C. 象棋个人赛 ..... 碧山   (117 bytes , 381reads )
希望2010不要再有更多这样的好消息。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 404reads )
likely two 团体联谊赛 within the next 6 months .......... 碧山   (240 bytes , 410reads )
To fill up the gap ........ 碧山   (828 bytes , 509reads )
after this weekend, to rest for at least two months ....... 碧山   (1325 bytes , 438reads )
kurubear and SG-Reporter may wish to try out the reporting system for ....... 碧山   (266 bytes , 476reads )
2010年3月10日 -- 预祝悟入棋途7周年!!!!! 碧山   (47 bytes , 378reads )
For 悟入棋途, other than those regular writers, ........ 碧山   (159 bytes , 418reads )