The next major event is .........
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2009-07-27 09:32

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-- 2009年8月15、16、22与23日 (星期六,星期日)

heard that total of 10 teams will be in actions.

The event is to be included in the next update for

"Total of 8 major events in the past 8 years" say in 碧山象棋会年讯 2010 for 8th Anniversary Celebration or later.

You may wish to refer to Page 6 of the write-up below for more details :

棋队与棋手资料 (碧山象棋会年讯 2009 Pages 6 to 12) ......... - 碧山 2009-07-14 14:15 (315 字节 / 71 点击)

Pasir Ris East and Queenstown are two first timers to this 6-board event.

As for Bishan, after we formed the club on 27 June 2002, we joined only one 6-board 3-day event in July 2002 at Kaki Bukit with the helps by some players from Tampines East and Geylang West, since then we did not manage to join any subsequent 6-board events in 2003, 2004 and this coming one in 2009. We managed to join four 4-board events in 2004, 2005 and 2007 (twice).

By the way, in the past two years after our 5th Anniversary Celebration, our C.C. only supports external events up to two days each time and this is one of our planning parameters now, of course, the main parameter is to have enough players for the team event and we are unable to form a team for this 4-day event in Aug 2009, members are encouraged to help other teams as others help us in 2002.

Currently, I plan to view the games on 1st Round (15 Aug) and last Round (23 Aug).....

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很不错 几度   (120 bytes , 252reads )
红什么解着?我能想到的就是车四进六。。。 一刀n断   (12 bytes , 229reads )
嗯,挺好的。 几度   (58 bytes , 247reads )
花絮 卷心菜   (137 bytes , 366reads )
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如此一来,假如如赛前所期望的那样遇到几度的话将是几度让三先的棋。 卷心菜   (334 bytes , 261reads )
如果是同年,还要看星座的 将五进九   (345 bytes , 240reads )
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我觉得买彩不是赌博,而是一种生活情趣。。。 一刀n断   (424 bytes , 255reads )
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用笔记本还是台机? 杀着大全   (67 bytes , 208reads )
要不然 几度   (83 bytes , 198reads )
对不起,不是很有空 将五进九   (64 bytes , 183reads )
是,不过······ 几度   (52 bytes , 192reads )
是啊,比如我,看到一刀n断连砍大师,我这个羡慕啊,我就盼着砍大师。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 187reads )
大师有三好,轻敌强变易砍倒。。。 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 180reads )
4D概率计算 卷心菜   (448 bytes , 922reads )
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很遗憾将错过这一盛事 希望两队赛出友谊赛出水平 为象棋事业的发展起到积极的推动作用 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 283reads )
aiyah, need to follow boss to attend a talk at 3 pm too ..... 碧山   (0 bytes , 236reads )
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乐龄团体赛 ....... 碧山   (305 bytes , 334reads )
likely 1 Nov or 8 Nov, before year-end school holidays ...... 碧山   (0 bytes , 296reads )
今天听广播说个人赛颁奖在10月2日 卷心菜   (127 bytes , 268reads )
so far, only Saturday mentioned, should be 3 Oct ...... 碧山   (0 bytes , 180reads )
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再次展示立体象棋,2009象总会员大会对此事项有所决定。 碧山   (108 bytes , 316reads )
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passed copies to ......... 碧山   (402 bytes , 253reads )
passed copy to 王英再 last week too ....... 碧山   (95 bytes , 311reads )
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the person went over to China did not pay 黄少龙教授 a visit .... 碧山   (162 bytes , 354reads )
correction ....... 碧山   (74 bytes , 300reads )