Like eyes that looked on Wastes --
Incredulous of Ought
But Blank -- and steady Wilderness --
Diversified by Night --
Just Infinites of Nought --
As far as it could see --
So looked the face I looked upon --
So looked itself -- on Me --
I offered it no Help --
Because the Cause was Mine --
The Misery a Compact
As hopeless -- as divine --
Neither -- would be absolved --
Neither would be a Queen
Without the Other -- Therefore --
We perish -- tho' We reign --
From Blank to Blank --
A Threadless Way
I pushed Mechanic feet --
To stop -- or perish -- or advance --
Alike indifferent --
If end I gained
It ends beyond
Indefinite disclosed --
I shut my eyes -- and groped as well
'Twas lighter -- to be Blind --
这两首写于不同时间的诗作必定有某种呼应的成分:"blank", "perish"是两个公共的词语。而第二手明显取得了某种进展。在"perish"之外出现了"stop"和"advance"的可能。由"So looked the face I looked upon --"发展成了"I shut my eyes..——to be Blind",由"As hopeless -- as divine --"发展成了"and groped as well
'Twas lighter"。但是这中间取得进展的到底是什么?我找不到。那个词语是缺失的。但是明明有什么东西在那,它只是被去掉了名字,没有人叫得出它。在这种情况下,若要用任何一个我们所知的名词来代替那个名词来帮助我们理解都是轻易的,例如“女权“,“对男性的恐惧“,“同性恋情节“,“信仰“,“自闭“,等等,但这种替换无疑也是过分轻率的。它们和那个被抹去的名词相比,都显得较为低级。