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which one is better? JPM or Deutsche?
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which one is better? JPM or Deutsche?Hi experts there,
I got two offers. One is JP Morgan, Analyst in their IB technology department, and the other one is middel office at deutsche to support option and hybrid desk. which one shld I take?

btw, I have signed with JPM, is it ok to reject them? Thank you very much for ur reading.

[东风41 (3-24 15:43, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

Congratulations!What's the job scope of the Analyst in Tech department of JPM? System development and application support? If so, it looks the Deutsche position is closer to the core business.

Anyway, I am too junior in this area. I also want to hear experts' ideas.


[flyover (3-24 17:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

give me one!! T_Ti agree with flyover's comments.

Btw, if u reject JPM, they might blacklist u...it's not so good to break the contract.

bt u can always negotiate with them..
[Economist (3-24 23:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

I would say Deutsche.So far, most of the ppl I know who are working in IT departments of banks are trying to switch line. Guess you'll follow that path too if you go to JPM. As a result, it's better to choose Deutsche cuz it's more relevant to your future moves.[ropin (3-25 0:50, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

What kind of job is this exactly?Perhaps, you would like to explain into more details as to the job functions and job resposiblities.

It sounds to me more like a technology support for market maker of options such as european covered warrants. Is this an IT job?

Please correct me if I am wrong!
[神州六号 (3-25 1:52, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

(引用 神州六号:What kind of job is this exactly?Perhaps, you would like to explain into more details as to the job functions and job resposibli...)more infoThanks for all of your advices.

The JP Role is to provide support for front office whenever they got issues with their trading and risk system. solve issues with system and pricing, etc.

The DB role is different from conventional middle office, below is the JD.

Verification of Exotic + Structured Derivative trade capture.
Manual fixing of the more complex derivatives
Liaison with Settlements and Documentation groups to resolve queries.
Close liaison with the Front Office, Market Risk Management, Global Valuations & Operations
Ownership of all Market Data processes.
Continual Change the Bank development to reduce the level of manual intervention required in the work flow.

[东风41 (3-25 16:08, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼

(引用 东风41:more infoThanks for all of your advices. The JP Role is to provide support for front office whenever they got issues with the...)hiread your description for your DB role. To me it is more like trade support, meaning you liase with front office and back office settlements team to help settlement of the trade...im not very sure if im correct or not...

i think it depends on what is your interest. if you you are really an IT person, you like programming stuff, you should go for JP morgan one...you will be surprised that IT analyst get paid well in i bank...and career path is promising.

well, if you simply wants to stay in i bank...then go for second role...
like those pple say, it is the business side...

thank you.
[blur_girl (3-25 18:20, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼

(引用 blur_girl:hiread your description for your DB role. To me it is more like trade support, meaning you liase with front office and back offi...)I'm not surprised that IT ppl get well paid in IBThat's the truth.

Just as my friend said, "那是有技术含量的" haha
[flyover (3-25 21:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼

(引用 flyover:I'm not surprised that IT ppl get well paid in IBThat's the truth. Just as my friend said, "那是有技术含量的" haha )depends on how big your ambition is and which group of ppl u r benchmarking :)[ropin (3-25 22:23, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼

DOES NOT MATTER.......i am sure you dont know what exactly these 2 jobs are and what will you do, even worse, you may not even know what you like to do and what you can do in an IB, otherwise you wont bother to ask here.

So just throw a coin, take whichever it tells you, it is easy to change to another job if you have exp in these 2.

( If majority of people suggest you take one, i suggest you take the other one, i think that people love trading will understand this... hahaha )
[EPCU (3-26 0:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼

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