What kind of job is this exactly?
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2006-03-25 01:52  评分:

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Perhaps, you would like to explain into more details as to the job functions and job resposiblities.

It sounds to me more like a technology support for market maker of options such as european covered warrants. Is this an IT job?

Please correct me if I am wrong!

中国大长今 --〉http://flash.cyol.com/product/05121802324416.swf
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which one is better? JPM or Deutsche? 东风41   (302 bytes , 1069reads )
DOES NOT MATTER....... EPCU   (462 bytes , 355reads )
What kind of job is this exactly? 神州六号   (265 bytes , 499reads )
more info 东风41   (689 bytes , 366reads )
hi blur_girl   (593 bytes , 555reads )
I'm not surprised that IT ppl get well paid in IB flyover   (68 bytes , 339reads )
depends on how big your ambition is and which group of ppl u r benchmarking :) ropin   (0 bytes , 292reads )
I would say Deutsche. ropin   (241 bytes , 384reads )
give me one!! T_T Economist   (161 bytes , 334reads )
Congratulations! flyover   (265 bytes , 535reads )