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2012年“郑海文杯”第53届新加坡全国象棋个人锦标赛 (总贴)
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(引用 卷心菜:女子组第五轮成绩:陈靖媗先胜陈咏丹,苏盈盈战胜刘宛吟第五轮 20/06/2012 星期三 晚上8:00pm 台 红方 ...)这么早还没睡?你今天也在加班?[SG-Reporter (6-24 4:22, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]121楼

(引用 SG-Reporter:可能那两天其它活动比较多。)这两天(23 与 今天)还是没有全国个人赛讯息。。。。
这两天(23 与 今天)还是没有全国个人赛讯息。。。。

但看到今天早报(2012-06-24)Page 6 有700前南大校友大团圆讯息


住南大宿舍重温旧时光 700前南大校友大团圆

● 陈秋华


   校友们在毕业几十年后,昨天再次品尝到当年在南大常吃到、现已找不到的“奶油包”。南大校友事务处主任孙敏炎说,从前南大图书馆楼上有家“美仑餐厅”, 售卖的奶油包非常美味,一口咬下,浓郁的牛油馅立即流出,香溢满嘴。学生在图书馆里读累了,经常会跑到楼上去买个奶油包解馋。但随着摊主“老王”过世了, 奶油包的秘方也失传了。
  南大校长安博迪教授(Bertil Andersson)也在午餐时间同老校友见面聊天。他致词时强调,南大今日虽已是全世界发展最快的大学之一,但南大的过去不应被遗忘。
[新加坡碧山 (6-24 8:42, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]122楼

(引用 SG-Reporter:这么早还没睡?你今天也在加班?)看足球时顺便做的[卷心菜 (6-24 11:47, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]123楼

(引用 新加坡碧山:这两天(23 与 今天)还是没有全国个人赛讯息。。。。 这两天(23 与 今天)还是没有全国个人赛讯息。。。。 但看到今天早报(2012-06-2...)以我的经验,要是有足够其它活动,象棋非属优先考量刊登的。[SG-Reporter (6-24 17:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]124楼

(引用 SG-Reporter:以我的经验,要是有足够其它活动,象棋非属优先考量刊登的。)负责象棋宣传活动者若有每天写进去,刊登是早报的问题。[新加坡碧山 (6-24 17:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]125楼

(引用 香陵居士:首先,我觉得应该直接判负而不是判违例否则如果一方被一名高手指点一部关键的棋而反败为胜或者为和,而只是记一次违例,对对方太不公平。...)参考了两年前这方面的内部资料,要是指点的高手或闲人。。。其实是以逆向思维的方式,要围魏救赵,那位看起来被帮助的赵不是很无辜?


[SG-Reporter (6-24 17:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]126楼

(引用 新加坡碧山:负责象棋宣传活动者若有每天写进去,刊登是早报的问题。)我赞成。[SG-Reporter (6-24 17:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]127楼

(引用 SG-Reporter:终于眼对眼,鼻碰鼻了。)今天看了个关于心理的节目节目里面说人的潜意识会不知不觉地被环境所影响。一个简单的例子是要受测试者专注地看着前方的一个点,然后把一张写有5个单词的卡片快速在这个点挥过。受测试者并来不及看清楚卡片上写的字,但潜意识已经获得了一个印象。受测试者过后被要求随意想一个单词,而他们想到的第一个词都是卡片上5个单词开头大写字母连成的单词:APPLE。现在这帖有异曲同工之妙。众所周知棋手在比赛中相遇,最多是握手,是不可能眼对眼,鼻碰鼻的。那么这帖的暗示影响了谁呢?就在当天,数万里之外在卢森堡召开的欧盟财政部长会议上,英国和丹麦的两位财长,似乎是出于意外,眼对眼,鼻碰鼻,而且嘴对嘴了。看看,世界就是这么奇妙。
[几度 (6-25 0:09, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]128楼

(引用 SG-Reporter:参考了两年前这方面的内部资料,要是指点的高手或闲人。。。其实是以逆向思维的方式,要围魏救赵,那位看起来被帮助的赵不是很无辜? 另...)如果不主动与人说话,怎样被人围魏救赵?[香陵居士 (6-25 10:19, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]129楼

女子组陈茗芳折桂 2 苏盈盈 3 吴帅迪 4 陈靖媗 。。。。。。
女子组陈茗芳折桂 2 苏盈盈 3 吴帅迪 4 陈靖媗 。。。。

刘宛吟 陈咏丹 李春艳 各得一分。

陈茗芳 5.5
苏盈盈 5.0
吴帅迪 4.5
陈靖媗 3.0

[新加坡碧山 (6-25 12:07, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]130楼

(引用 SG-Reporter:我赞成。)明天休战一天,不要来看!!!

早报(2012-06-25)星期一 Page 10 今日触点 有全国个人赛讯息


第8轮 -- 2012-06-28 星期四 8 pm
第9轮 -- 2012-06-30 星期六 3 pm

第8轮 -- 2012-06-25 星期一 8 pm
第9轮 -- 2012-06-27 星期三 8 pm
八强淘汰 -- 2012-06-28 至 2012-07-01
2012-06-28 星期四 8 pm
2012-06-29 星期五 8 pm
2012-06-30 星期六 3 pm
2012-07-01 星期日 1 pm
[新加坡碧山 (6-25 12:26, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]131楼

(引用 heartshapedbox:Possible Cheating Ongoing in QGS B组Greetings to everyone. I am sorry for posting in english but the PC I am on now is unable to...)A Challenge On Your Despicable Defamation of MeHeart-shaped-box,

First, rip your own box apart and eat it up. You're not fit to have such a romantic name. I feel no warmth in your approach towards me in this recent chess tournament. You tore my name up and spat it out for the public to see, witness and judge. This is even more deplorable than anything I can think of.

First, that hippie you mentioned is my friend. He and I were merely chatting about the likely outcome of the competition -- who were the prospective top rankers and all. Also, catching up for old times' sake. It is UTTERLY UNTRUE that I sought his help in the competition. What does THAT make me then -- a cowardly chicken who dares not use HIS own brains, his own guts to take on the tournament? I may not be the best player -- heck, not even half as good as half the B div players, but I have PRIDE. And by defaming me without MY knowledge, YOU are digging your spear deep into my heart -- I have little room to fight back till now.

Let me make a few things plain:

First, I did not cheat. My friend and I were chatting in between the tournament for old times sake, talking about nonconsequential topics like who'll win the tourney, how were the A div players doing, and so on.

Second: I withdrew from the tournament purely because I'm in National Service, and I have to stay in till this Wednesday, 27 June 2012 without booking out at all. That renders me effectively void for the tournament! I can't book out to play my games. So, how could anyone claim that I was kicked out from the tournament? I transmitted word to Chen Mao Lan saying I can't play anymore, after my 4th round. Hence, he cancelled my name. So, my dear Romantic Heart-shaped-box, please listen: I backed out of tournament due to army matters, and both chess and army matters came at a time so coincidentally I could only resign myself to the more... inevitable one. It's JAIL if I don't comply, mate. You weigh the costs for me.

And third: Since you're so keen on scrubbing out my name, let's make it fair and square in 3 rounds of Chinese chess. what say you? Since you're so bold to defame me, why not you show yourself, introduce yourself to me and we'll sit down over a nice cuppa char and drink to health? Have a chessboard in between. Play 3 games. And recite a poem on chess.

Contact me @ dan.snowryter@gmail.com. We'll talk. I'll make things plain for you, if I can make them any clearer. I'll say it again: you had the guts to defame me, now show your guts by introducing yourself and taking on my challenge!


[danny00 (6-25 14:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]132楼

(引用 danny00:A Challenge On Your Despicable Defamation of MeHeart-shaped-box, First, rip your own box apart and eat it up. You're not fit to...)Oh and...Oh and by the way, do tell me how you found out my blog address? I'd love to hear your... story. C'mon mate, tell me.[danny00 (6-25 14:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]133楼

(引用 danny00:A Challenge On Your Despicable Defamation of MeHeart-shaped-box, First, rip your own box apart and eat it up. You're not fit to...)My reply to your cheating assMy friend told me "Hey, Dan Tan replied to your post." I was wondering who Dan Tan was. Now then I realised oh, Dan Tan is that cheating scum, Tan Zhong He from quan guo sai B, heh.

Now, I don't have much time to engage in an pointless online flame war with a scumbag cheater like you, especially when you did cheat in almost every round, so I will refute some of your points and cut this short.

1. Heartshapedbox is a song by the band "nirvana", I fail to see why you kept repeatedly attacking my online handle, calling it romantic or something when its not meant to be. Just like how cheating in a chess competition is not romantic.

2. Hello? You were catching up with your old friend during a game? Both of you were staring intently at the chess board while making calculative motions with your fingers. You were staring at the chess board calculating WHILE catching up about old times and gossiping about irrelevant topics? Right.... Can you at least don't make up such a ridiculous story to cover up? You cheated and that's that. You and your mentor were not caught. You lucked out. Tuck your tail between your legs and beat the hell out of here. That's the wisest thing to do. Yet you dare make up ridiculous stories as a futile attempt to cover up your crimes? You are beyond hope if so.

3. Furthermore, I will like to add that personally, I heard you asking your old hippie and equally cheating mentor whether you could "sacrifice pao" or "move xyz move" in your game vs Yap Teck Meng in the 4th round. I have no reason to defame you since I didn't even know your cheating ass before this fiasco. There were a few people who heard it as well including a prominent youth player. Consider yourself VERY LUCKY that you were not banned from the competition there and there. Stop trying to call me out to cover up your embarrassment from getting caught at cheating. I have no time to play online games with you.

4. Why do I have to accept your challenge? I really don't see the logic of this. I did not insult you about your chess skills nor was my post anything related to you having lousy skills or anything chess skills related. It was purely about you cheating and you did cheat, you know it. Challenging me to 3 games or 300 games won't change anything. Why should I meet you over coffee and entertain you or "Drink to your health" when I plainly don't want anything to do with a cheater like you. You couldn't even play your own games in a chess competition. Why do you want to act like the honorable samurai or knight now and challenge me to a death duel. If in the first place, you have any shred of honor, you would have played your own games without consulting any mentor, old hippie or not lol.

5. I was not even aware that you withdrew from the competition. Nor was I the one who dug out your blog address. Please check your facts. Other people posted that, not me. I have nothing to do with what others posted. As far as I am concerned, I just wanted to highlight your cheating ways to other players that might face you in future rounds or future competitions because you did cheat and I was fustrated that you were not caught despite such low class and subtlety in your cheating. I have no plans to have any further interaction with you nor do I care what your blog address is.
[heartshapedbox (6-25 15:00, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]134楼

(引用 heartshapedbox:My reply to your cheating assMy friend told me "Hey, Dan Tan replied to your post." I was wondering who Dan Tan was. Now then I ...)Luck back, you ChingI think, you filthy asshole, that you need a landslide defeat in a game of chess to quash your quacking mouth. I don't know that song by Nirvana simply because I'm not listening to songs nowadays, and hardly catch up in the song market over what's popular.

Why don't you dare to show yourself? Meet me @ Xiang Zhong this Saturday anytime in the afternoon. I'll personally worm you out and if I have to, make you compensate for your defamation of me. Don't test me.

I don't give two shakes for "prominent youth player" nor the few bystanders who heard me, based on YOUR proof-less words. Get a few pros to testify for YOUR words, why don't you? I agree that flame wars are pointless, and won't be so petty doing these online criticism posts with you, if you hadn't refused to show yourself. I'll let you taste my fist on the chessboard. My strategy, if you can't even absorb metaphors oh you thick-skulled feline. A cat's more intellectual than you in her anticipations of her environment. You? You only know anonymous defamation tactics, and still uphold your pride with every word of your life's worth? You're utterly hopeless dude, far worse than the worst checkmate possible in the game. Get you anonymous ass a letter in my email inbox if you're any bolder!

I'll personally dig you out and you watch the sparks fly, mate.

[danny00 (6-25 17:06, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]135楼

(引用 卷心菜:B组)B组第七轮成绩:谢昀达漏记棋谱回合数超过规定被判负,迟益南幸运胜出保持领先第七轮 24/06/2012 星期日 下午12:00pm
台 红方 积分 黑方 积分

1 谢昀达 Seah Yun Da Bryan (9) [5] 0:1 迟益南 Chu Yinan (8) [5.5]
2 杜耀宗 Toh Yeow Chong (31) [4.5] 0:1 王印 Wang Yin (3) [5]
3 黄晓华 Huang Xiaohua (1) [4] 1:0 魏志偉 Ngoi Chi Wai (4) [4]
4 郭昱荣 Kwek J Y Denson (18) [4] 0:1 王镇伟 Ong Zhen Wei (19) [4]
5 戴文翔 Tai Boon Siang (7) [4] 0:1 梁燊虢 Leong Sum Kok (10) [3.5]
6 卓新威 Zhuo Xin Wei (22) [3.5] 0:1 叶德明 Yap Teck Ming (16) [3.5]
7 刘富强 Liu Fuqiang (26) [3.5] 0:1 翁文龙 Ong Boon Leong (17) [3.5]
8 罗凌轲 Luo Lingke (36) [3.5] .5:.5 蔡栩彬 Cai Xu Bin (25) [3]
9 王智泉 Justin Ong (5) [3] 1:0 杨小忠 Yang Xiaozhong (32) [3]
10 陈良铭 Tan Liang Ming (13) [3] 0:1 陈忠信 Chan Chung Shun (12) [3]
11 曾喡翔 Chan Wei Xiang (27) [3] 0:1 陈世昌 Chin Shih Chang (2) [2.5]
12 王艺飞 Wang Yifei (35) [2.5] 1:0 苏添福 Soh Thiam Hock (11) [2.5]
13 卓成国 Toh Sin Kok (33) [2.5] 1:0 吴得顺 Goh Test Soon (14) [2.5]
14 李立道 Li Li Dao (20) [2] 1:0 陈捷森 Tan Jie Sen (24) [2]
15 徐金飞 Xu Jin Fei (28) [1.5] +:- 赖颖正 Lai Ying Jeng (6) [2]
16 张哲铭 Chong Zhe Ming (34) [1.5] 0:1 胡博勇 Woo Bo Yung (21) [1.5]
17 姚永蔚 Shawn Yeo (23) [1.5] 1:0 张世成 Myat Min Htet (29) [1]
[卷心菜 (6-25 19:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]136楼

(引用 卷心菜:女子组)女子组第六轮成绩:吴帅迪后手战胜陈咏丹,陈茗芳稳健取胜陈靖媗第六轮 23/06/2012 星期六 晚上7:00pm
台 红方 黑方

1 李春艳 Li Chun Yan (1) [0] 0:1 苏盈盈 Soh Ying Ying (6) [3]
2 陈詠丹 Aurora Chan Wing Dan (2) [1] 0:1 吴帅迪 Wu Shuaidi (5) [3]
3 陈茗芳 Tan Min Fang Fiona (3) [4] 1:0 陈靖媗 Tan Jing Xuan (4) [3]
4 刘宛吟 Liew Wan Yin Doris (7) [1] : BYE
[卷心菜 (6-25 19:46, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]137楼

(引用 卷心菜:女子组)女子组第七轮成绩:陈茗芳战平吴帅迪并夺得2012年新加坡全国个人赛女子组冠军!第七轮 24/06/2012 星期日 下午4:00pm
台 红方 黑方

1 吴帅迪 Wu Shuaidi (5) [4] .5:.5 陈茗芳 Tan Min Fang Fiona (3) [5]
2 苏盈盈 Soh Ying Ying (6) [4] 1:0 陈詠丹 Aurora Chan Wing Dan (2) [1]
3 刘宛吟 Liew Wan Yin Doris (7) [1] -:+ 李春艳 Li Chun Yan (1) [0]
4 陈靖媗 Tan Jing Xuan (4) [3] : BYE
[卷心菜 (6-25 19:47, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]138楼

(引用 卷心菜:A组赛前棋手编号 象棋大师 1 方建明 2 黄俊铭 3 康德荣 4 林耀森 甲级棋士 5 梁文杰 6 倪福良 7 朱永吉 8 许正豪 9 曹子航 10 刘...)A组第七轮成绩:黄俊阳不敌黄俊铭,陈靖麟战平康德荣第七轮 24/06/2012 星期日 下午4:00pm
台 红方 积分 黑方 积分

1 黄俊阳 Ng Jun Yang (16) [4.5] 0:1 黄俊铭 Ng Jun Ming (2) [5]
2 陈靖麟 Tan Jing Ling (23) [4.5] .5:.5 康德荣 Kng Ter Yong (3) [4]
3 朱永吉 Choo Yong Kiat Allen (7) [4] 1:0 洪天瑞 Ang Ten Swee (12) [4]
4 曹子航 Cao Zihang (9) [4] 0:1 梁永兴 Liong Weng heng (19) [4]
5 方建明 Fong Yuen Lin (1) [3.5] 0:1 卢国龙 Law Kok Leong (15) [3.5]
6 赵金山 Chow Kim Sun (24) [3.5] 1:0 黄荣岳 Eugene Ng (14) [3]
7 许永坤 Koh Yongkun (13) [3] .5:.5 侯志雄 Heow Tse Siong (21) [3]
8 梁文杰 Leong Mun Kit Ryan (5) [3] 1:0 倪福良 Nga Hock Leong Joshua (6) [2.5]
9 潘满意 Pan Man Yi (26) [2.5] 1:0 刘剑慧 Low Hui Hui (10) [2.5]
10 徐道嵘 Sii Toh Ing (11) [2.5] 0:1 蔡俊杰 Chua Chun Kiat (17) [2.5]
11 郑木兴 Tay Bok Heng (20) [1.5] 1:0 林耀森 Lum Yew Sum (4) [2]
12 刘立人 Liew Lip Nyin (22) [1.5] 0:1 庄才钧 Zhuang Cai Jun (18) [2]
13 洪泉发 Ang Chuan Huat (25) [0] 0:1 许正豪 Bob Koh Zheng Hao (8) [2]
[卷心菜 (6-25 19:48, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]139楼

(引用 heartshapedbox:Possible Cheating Ongoing in QGS B组Greetings to everyone. I am sorry for posting in english but the PC I am on now is unable to...)此时无声胜有声[旁观者清 (6-25 23:03, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]140楼

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