2012年“郑海文杯”第53届新加坡全国象棋个人锦标赛 (总贴)
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作者:danny00 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2012-06-25 14:25:33  132楼 
Possible Cheating Ongoing in QGS B组Greetings to everyone. I am sorry for posting in english but the PC I am on now is unable to process chinese characters. I am a chinese chess fan currently doing my national service. Although I am not a very strong player, I like to visit chinese chess competitions in Singapore to watch ongoing games. It was while watching this 国象棋个人赛 B 组 that I came across some of the most blatant and disgusting cheating tactics that I have ever seen. It was on 17/06/2012 during round 2 when a slight drama that ensued caught my attention.It was the game where 曾喡翔 Chan Wei Xiang was playing 陈中和 Tan Zhong He. I have already noticed that during the game, the player taking black, Tan Zhong He would sporadically consult a skinny middle aged man wearing glasses with long hair dressed casually in a T-Shirt and bermudas (ala an ageing hippie look). At that point although I could not be sure that they were discussing about the game, they were definitely staring intently at said game w (more...)
A Challenge On Your Despicable Defamation of Me

First, rip your own box apart and eat it up. You're not fit to have such a romantic name. I feel no warmth in your approach towards me in this recent chess tournament. You tore my name up and spat it out for the public to see, witness and judge. This is even more deplorable than anything I can think of.

First, that hippie you mentioned is my friend. He and I were merely chatting about the likely outcome of the competition -- who were the prospective top rankers and all. Also, catching up for old times' sake. It is UTTERLY UNTRUE that I sought his help in the competition. What does THAT make me then -- a cowardly chicken who dares not use HIS own brains, his own guts to take on the tournament? I may not be the best player -- heck, not even half as good as half the B div players, but I have PRIDE. And by defaming me without MY knowledge, YOU are digging your spear deep into my heart -- I have little room to fight back till now.

Let me make a few things plain:

First, I did not cheat. My friend and I were chatting in between the tournament for old times sake, talking about nonconsequential topics like who'll win the tourney, how were the A div players doing, and so on.

Second: I withdrew from the tournament purely because I'm in National Service, and I have to stay in till this Wednesday, 27 June 2012 without booking out at all. That renders me effectively void for the tournament! I can't book out to play my games. So, how could anyone claim that I was kicked out from the tournament? I transmitted word to Chen Mao Lan saying I can't play anymore, after my 4th round. Hence, he cancelled my name. So, my dear Romantic Heart-shaped-box, please listen: I backed out of tournament due to army matters, and both chess and army matters came at a time so coincidentally I could only resign myself to the more... inevitable one. It's JAIL if I don't comply, mate. You weigh the costs for me.

And third: Since you're so keen on scrubbing out my name, let's make it fair and square in 3 rounds of Chinese chess. what say you? Since you're so bold to defame me, why not you show yourself, introduce yourself to me and we'll sit down over a nice cuppa char and drink to health? Have a chessboard in between. Play 3 games. And recite a poem on chess.

Contact me @ dan.snowryter@gmail.com. We'll talk. I'll make things plain for you, if I can make them any clearer. I'll say it again: you had the guts to defame me, now show your guts by introducing yourself and taking on my challenge!


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