260以上不算top 3%吧小六会考的积分是T-score来算的:
X is the pupil’s mark for the subject
Y is the average mark (mean) scored by all the pupils
Z is the spread of the marks around the average mark (standard deviation)
小六会考积分是四科T-score的总合,T-Score gives the rank or position of a pupil’s
performance compared to all other pupils in that subject.
每一科的平均分和标准差(SD)都不同,按照这个网站估算的bell curve:
260分以上才是top 10%(可能有些偏差,一般SAP school只收top 10%,分数线一般为258,所以258可以视为top 10%的分数线。270以上才算top 5%。
回复“260以上不算top 3%吧”
260基本是top 3%, 有时是261。MOE每年会奖励那些top 3%,并且进入independent schools的孩子(因为independent schools的学费较高),为他们提供$2400/year的学费。top 3%的cutoff point 在260左右。
260基本是top 3%, 有时是261。MOE每年会奖励那些top 3%,并且进入independent schools的孩子(因为independent schools的学费较高),为他们提供$2400/year的学费。top 3%的cutoff point 在260左右。