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作者:花より男子 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1623) 发表:2019-07-26 12:33:59  53楼 
HDB有特别要求已经有HDB,需要在租了另一套HDB后一个月里把目前自住的HDB租出去。 组屋屋主要租别的组屋得满足这个要求: Tenancy and property ownership status Tenants must not be tenants of public rental HDB flats or owners of other HDB flats unless they are: Divorced/ legally separated. In this case, only 1 party can rent a HDB flat from another flat owner Owners who are eligible to rent out their whole flat. However, they must rent out their own flat within a month after they have rented an HDB flat from another flat owner Tenants must not be owners of Executive Condominium units where the 5-year MOP has not been met. 租房间是没问题,只要实际住那边,像之前另一个层主说租了不去住,偶尔去看看是不行的。



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