找到了ABS 对MIP 的解释:https://abs.org.sg/docs/library/faq_fire_insurance_20140410.pdf
第3题。我贴在下面,有兴趣的话可以看看。 虽然我还是觉得对屋主不公平,但银行如果非要买貌似屋主也没有办法。
非常感谢 大叔 和 x4 的踊跃讨论!
3. What is a Mortgagee Interest Policy (MIP)? Why do I have to take up a MIP when there is a
MCST policy?
If the condominium unit is mortgaged, the bank may require the borrower to take up a MIP, which
generally protects the outstanding loan amount and allows the bank to claim up to the loss amount,
the sum insured or the building reinstatement value (whichever is the lower) following the damage.
However, not all banks require their customers to take up a MIP.
As part of the terms and conditions for taking up the housing loan to purchase the property, you have
agreed that the financial interest of the lending bank would be protected by insurance should any
damage and loss occur to the mortgaged property.
As provided under the Building Maintenance and Strata Management Act, the insu (more...)