ownership transfer有很多种你给的链接里提到的是
The computation of the requisite MOP starts from the date of taking possession of the HDB flat (including subsequent changes to flat ownership by way of outright transfer) to the following dates, whichever is earlier:
Date on which the Option for purchase of private property is exercised, or
Date of the Sale and Purchase Agreement of the private property
The different types of transfers include:
Inclusion of co-owner(s) (e.g. A to A & B)
Deletion of existing co-owner(s) (e.g. A & B to A)
Substitution of co-owner(s) (e.g. A & B to A & C)
Outright transfer of owner(s) (e.g. A to B)
outright transfer of owner,这个直接就是转卖吧?Owner都完全变了。转卖当然要重头计算MOP了。
夫妻间从两个co-owner转变成sole owner+occupier,这个我已经跟HDB确认过没有重头计算MOP,但是会计算SSD。即便MOP还没有满的,比如还剩下两年,做完转名手续俩人要继续住满两年才可以卖房就对了。
其实我仔细读了一下,我觉 (more...)
我也找到了。可是昨天报纸的不是(4) outright transfer 呀。