变相的dual reprentation
这个新加坡女中介做了本分工作,她如果取得seller的同意,可以帮你做paper work。但是不可以从你这方拿任何回报。
至于前面变相向direct buyer拿钱的卖方中介,是变相的dual reprentation, 如果有证据(录音?)证明你是买这个房子的direct buyer, 然后对方强迫给你一个buyer中介,
如果最终没有买,我觉得完全可以向CEA complaint;如果买了, 即使你和他签了Estate Agency Agreement,你也可能不需要给中介费.
如果你有证据告到他dual reprentation,他不但这辈子不用考虑在新加坡做房地产中介了,最高还可被罚25k和12个月牢狱之灾:
Dual Representation: Any person who contravenes shall be guilty and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $25,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both
至于前面变相向direct buyer拿钱的卖方中介,是变相的dual reprentation, 如果有证据(录音?)证明你是买这个房子的direct buyer, 然后对方强迫给你一个buyer中介,
如果最终没有买,我觉得完全可以向CEA complaint;如果买了, 即使你和他签了Estate Agency Agreement,你也可能不需要给中介费.
如果你有证据告到他dual reprentation,他不但这辈子不用考虑在新加坡做房地产中介了,最高还可被罚25k和12个月牢狱之灾:
Dual Representation: Any person who contravenes shall be guilty and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $25,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both