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作者:我是一颗菠萝 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1197) 发表:2007-03-13 21:57:44  60楼 
好像已经有三四个mm买了这个东西...要么你们不如去要个说法吧.自由集市的置顶帖里面也有一个. 看去过的人的汇报帖,基本上都是赞他的手艺的. 说他是骗子的mm,也不是针对他卖的贵,而是针对他的"争取半价",貌似得了便宜还卖乖的做法. 要么就吃闷亏,要么就直接去问问老板. 我们这些旁观者,说来说去,也最多给你们出出气. 声明,我是没去过的,就事论事.
I went there and argued with them. Here are the points:
1. firsly, they said they added 4 bottles of essence oil into the treatment bottle. Each essence oil bottle costs about S$16.5. (4*16.5 = 66) Then the Loreal Hair Spa they bought directly from Loreal is S$39.9. To sum them up, the total cost is around S$105. The communication gap happens is when we made the purchase of Hair Spa, they said the essence oil was free of charge.

2. secondly, they showed me the price list for treatment. They said usually it cost at least 80 dollars. They were only charging me at S$25 which is much lesser.

3. thirdly, again according to them, the S$308 is the marketing price set by Loreal(though they actually sell to the salon at S$39.9). Because Loreal assumes each bottle can be used at least 10 times and each custumer would be charged at least around 30 dollars for using this treatment. That's why they said the original price is S$308.

In conclusion, it is an invisible treatment package selling. Their intention is good, but the marketing strategy needs to improve. By the way, I did not manage to get my money back because my friend who went along with me insisted that S$25 treatment is cheap.She actually always stood on Leo's side during the argument.

Also I asked them why they could not get product from the market outside and why they must bought directly from Loreal since the outside market was selling much cheaper. They said it is because if they bought from Loreal, Loreal will give them a lot of free stuffs like essence oil(buy 3 get 1 free), like the shelf, like aprons... Anyway, in the end, it is customers who bear the cost incurred.
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