再比如 tigr 1217put风险和机会何在?Delta又怎么影响的?
卖deep in the money call,你delta就是-1, 加上underlying stock, you are delta neutral.
等spot和strike近了它就在-1到0了(你这里就是underlying stock价格跌向200),you are no longer delta neutral, any movement in underlying stock will move your portfolio value
买put也没有本质变化,想想put call parity,你持有P+S就等效持有call + cash,最终你要关注的始终是delta的值(正负和大小)
卖deep in the money call,你delta就是-1, 加上underlying stock, you are delta neutral.
等spot和strike近了它就在-1到0了(你这里就是underlying stock价格跌向200),you are no longer delta neutral, any movement in underlying stock will move your portfolio value
买put也没有本质变化,想想put call parity,你持有P+S就等效持有call + cash,最终你要关注的始终是delta的值(正负和大小)