到利息升到2.5了,CPF利息还是2.5吗?看看这段关于CPF利息的。The interest rate on Ordinary Account (OA) monies is adjusted quarterly. OA monies earn either the legislated minimum interest of 2.5% per annum, or the 3-month average of major local banks’ interest rates, whichever is higher.
The OA interest rate will be maintained at 2.5% per annum from 1 January 2015 to 31 March 2015, as the computed rate of 0.21% is lower than the legislated minimum interest rate.
“or the 3-month average of major local banks' interest rates, whichever is higher” 也就是 OA 的利息有可能等于 3 month Sibor(当 Sibor > 2.5%)。但浮动贷款利息通常是 Sibor + offset,通常是 0.8% - 1%。
也就是说,贷款利息 = CPF OA 利息 + offset。
过去几年贷款利息低于 CPF OA,是因为 Sibor 实在太低,而 CPF OA 受最低 2.5% 的下限限制。
也就是说,贷款利息 = CPF OA 利息 + offset。
过去几年贷款利息低于 CPF OA,是因为 Sibor 实在太低,而 CPF OA 受最低 2.5% 的下限限制。