有人能谈一下sub prime mortgage meltdown的影响么?如果对美国房价造成持续的冲击,使得asset price继续下降。除了对property,CDO,mortgage backed security市场造成较大的影响外,会通过何种途径对整个经济造成影响呢?
现在的说法是,housing price的下降,使公众觉得less wealthy,而停止消费,从而使得经济进入vicious cycle。这个虽然有可能,但是我觉得在目前的状况下,这个并不太令人信服。最近的经济数据还是很好,是不是能影响到A paper也很难说,还看不出如何能够影响到其他经济层面。
the views i heard these days
1) higher borrowing cost (wider credit spread) which has two implications
1.1 less M&A, LBO. M&A and LBO has been helpful in supporting the stock market
1.2 tougher biz environment for most business which is also negative
2) i-banks prefer, and most of them have, lean balance sheets. If they encounter major losses bcuz of their exposure to Credit related instruments, there is a posibility that they have to liquidate other instruments like investments in high-quality stocks or carry trades in order to get more cash to meet all cash outflow obligations. This will add further downside pressure to stock market, especially the emerging market
1.1 less M&A, LBO. M&A and LBO has been helpful in supporting the stock market
1.2 tougher biz environment for most business which is also negative
2) i-banks prefer, and most of them have, lean balance sheets. If they encounter major losses bcuz of their exposure to Credit related instruments, there is a posibility that they have to liquidate other instruments like investments in high-quality stocks or carry trades in order to get more cash to meet all cash outflow obligations. This will add further downside pressure to stock market, especially the emerging market