由于building还没有TOP,现场进进出出需要戴安全帽,今天由于下大雨,自己和同事淋了一身的雨,在工地上把帽子脱了让头发干的更快,结果被一个极品的security officer看到了,然后就是.....
具体情况在我的email里, 老板名字用xx代替
Hi xx,
This afternoon me and Bryan were mounting the switches at FSC L2 Right WC. Because we need to dispose the switch boxes we opened in the morning for FSC L2 Left WC into the waste collection point about 200 meters away from FSC entrance, we were unfortunately caught in the heavy rain for several times, and also because there are two Lantro guys already inside the tiny WC which is less than 5 square meters, so we took off our helmet to cool off our hairs as well as to free up some space for our mounting work (the space between the open rack and Comnet rack can ba (more...)
楼主你干嘛care对方的语气? 你没带安全帽才是起因~直接Thanks for your reminder
就可以走了 噢 还可以留个名片给Ta...