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作者:AXL (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2413) 发表:2006-09-28 03:44:06  楼主  关注此帖
我只是想知道他们为什么拒我。。很有点不爽,可能是因为第一次被拒。我讨厌不说明理由就这么被拒了。。。 突然有点想:就这么杀到Barclays的HR那里问个究竟。。。
只会告诉你有其他人比你更合适那个position. 说多的话,某些难缠的applicant会去和HR打官司。所有他们说的话都有可能被作为对他们不利的证据。
Only the Strong Survive
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作者:AXL (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2413) 发表:2006-10-06 21:01:20  2楼
i am thinking about technology and credit risk, which one easier to apply?my background is in engineering field, have some programming skill, but i heard credit risk quite fun to do, can anyone give some suggestion which one easier to apply for? thanks
as long as it involves risk
nothing would be fun
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作者:AXL (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2413) 发表:2006-11-08 14:42:50  3楼
收到email了...The interview will give us a chance to discuss your suitability for a career with Barclays Capital and therefore may cover the following: &#8226; Your career aspirations &#8226; What motivates you &#8226; Your reasons for choosing Barclays Capital &#8226; Your interest in the particular role you have chosen
u for perm position or internship?
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