If you want to be a IT Audit, CISA is the cert. For CISSP, it is more for
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作者:Rick (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1939) 发表:2006-03-12 14:38:22  楼主  关注此帖评分:
问一下,关于信息的audit,比如Information Risk Audit / IT Audit,一般做什么或者说招聘这样的人有什么要求
If you want to be a IT Audit, CISA is the cert. For CISSP, it is more for
IT Security Management and IT Security Consultant. CISSP requires 3 year Security related experience assume you have a degree. CISA requires 4 years.I am not sure about CISA, but for CISSP, you can pass the exam and get a ISC Associate title if you have less than 3 year experience.

However both CISA and CISSP are very theoretical and have very little technical and practical value. If you are a practical person and pursue technical excellence, you should go for GIAC certifications such as (GCIH) from www.sans.org.
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作者:Rick (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1939) 发表:2006-03-12 14:44:57  2楼 评分:
Most of the time, Certification are just for the HR filtering ...
In you case, you can try put that in your resume and state that you have passed the CISA exam. But do NOT say that you are certified CISA. Most of the time, the HR people will not differenciate this and assume you are certified since you pass the exam.

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作者:Rick (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1939) 发表:2006-03-12 14:45:58  3楼
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