华新用户资料 --- Rick
真名 生日2003-03-28 
籍贯/出生地 所在学校 
发帖次数1939 在线时间525.1小时
用户等级5 - 略有小成积分(经验值)1484 
财富指数3478 华新币 


我的最猛十贴 (非0byte)
帖子标题 花花 发表于
generally nvidia's recent products have good linux support, 标签 2004-01-24 23:39
I don't think the word "Lan Access Disabled" matters.. try this.. 标签 2005-02-04 16:52
Here are the some handy tools 标签 2004-09-16 23:17
Maybe some forensic analysis will help you for this case. For example, 标签 2004-06-16 07:52
Complete Windows Security Guides from Microsoft 标签 2004-03-20 15:36
Newcastle!!! 标签 2004-02-27 22:53
If you have 2 computer, can use one as a proxy server. 标签 2004-02-23 03:37
use standard'\' to denote special character.. 标签 2004-01-18 15:33
强烈推荐America Army Operation! 标签 2003-08-07 22:23
For people who want to have a career in Information Security Consulting, 标签 2006-07-01 15:09
帖子标题 花花 发表于
GLC no brainer - 如果嫌GLC大,可以考虑GLA  2018-10-11 00:43
已经发短消息给你了  2018-06-20 22:49
好的好的,时间过得真快,好怀念那时一波人吃玩午饭用PSP比两场 Ridge Racer  2018-06-15 20:41
链接有误,更正。  2018-06-14 01:27
Apple - 招人 (信息安全和无线网络工程师)  2018-06-14 01:05
Fixed URL  2017-01-23 12:16
Apple 招人: Senior System Solution Engineer  2017-01-23 12:12
诚招网络工程师 (Top US MNC - based in Shanghai, China)  2016-01-21 10:34
JobId=33215083JobId=33405127  2014-06-08 22:25
招人 - Network Security Engineer and Senior Network Engineer  2014-06-08 22:21