本人于3月11日在本论坛遭人不实言论诽谤造谣,并被泄漏个人信息。 已经报警交由警方处理。因本人名誉已被严重损害,发此声明以澄清事实。
一. 本人郑重陈述
自己平时并不浏览论坛, 日常学习生活非常忙碌,本人并无闲暇时间,争辩是是非非。恳请网友不要轻易听信凭空的言论,凡事以事实为依据,冷静辨别是非真相。也请站在本人被诽谤冤枉的角度想一想。此事令我倍感冤枉,无奈。
二. 事情经过
在国内朋友的帮助下,手机翻墙联系华新,并发现此诽谤信息已经对我产生极大影响,我邮件联系论坛负责人(contact@huasing.org)但无任何邮件回复(直到今天也没有任何回复信息)。同时联络版主 @alive, @ggyt, @不会飞的云, 只得到@不会飞的云的回复, 可事件并没得到处理。我联系新加坡的朋友去警局,不过没有本人在场无法立案。我发短信给警方并尝 (more...)
Singapore Penal Code Section 499 states that, if a person intends to defame another person or should know that what he or she says will harm that person, then that person has committed a crime that can be punished by a fine plus up to two years in jail. The Media Literacy Council explains criminal defamation:
If you write or say something with the intention to harm, or have reason to believe that your words will cause harm to the reputation of the person, you have committed criminal defamation. There are exceptions however: it is not defamation if you are expressing an honest opinion about how the person is conducting his public functions, or about his character in relation to how he is carrying out his public functions.
If you write or say something with the intention to harm, or have reason to believe that your words will cause harm to the reputation of the person, you have committed criminal defamation. There are exceptions however: it is not defamation if you are expressing an honest opinion about how the person is conducting his public functions, or about his character in relation to how he is carrying out his public functions.