所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2019-03-14 10:32

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Singapore Penal Code Section 499 states that, if a person intends to defame another person or should know that what he or she says will harm that person, then that person has committed a crime that can be punished by a fine plus up to two years in jail. The Media Literacy Council explains criminal defamation:
If you write or say something with the intention to harm, or have reason to believe that your words will cause harm to the reputation of the person, you have committed criminal defamation. There are exceptions however: it is not defamation if you are expressing an honest opinion about how the person is conducting his public functions, or about his character in relation to how he is carrying out his public functions.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
诽谤造谣事件声明 llkkgg   (2570 bytes , 17192reads )
诽谤造谣事件声明 青空   (280 bytes , 112reads )
我觉得除非楼主遭受了实质性的损害 这里很热   (271 bytes , 29reads )
我也觉得 DavidXia20   (28 bytes , 35reads )
歪个楼 易风   (131 bytes , 22reads )
确实,警察就是记录一下而已 kusubudo   (116 bytes , 24reads )
都是如此 DavidXia20   (63 bytes , 40reads )
感觉很复杂的样子, 楼主应该知道是谁在诽谤他吧 桃子妈妈   (0 bytes , 22reads )
楼主居然说不知道谁诽谤 StorK   (94 bytes , 46reads )
喜碧小姐姐,是你吗?大家都在等实锤呢 阿尔维斯   (0 bytes , 22reads )
也可能是喜碧小哥哥。。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 27reads )
小哥哥的话十有八九是被楼主绿了 阿尔维斯   (56 bytes , 23reads )
万一楼主真的是爆料人说的那样 yaoyao8   (693 bytes , 32reads )
发帖次数是1 天朝2016坡县   (4 bytes , 23reads )
有人喜欢灌水 StorK   (20 bytes , 34reads )
这位马甲 shaokunlun   (14 bytes , 20reads )
我只是觉得逻辑不通而已 StorK   (74 bytes , 27reads )
楼主就算有所怀疑 shaokunlun   (44 bytes , 18reads )
楼主说他不知道 StorK   (75 bytes , 31reads )
不好意思,不是很习惯 StorK   (163 bytes , 28reads )
层主就想当然了。。。 显然是大概率不知道是谁 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 21reads )
理解能力堪忧啊 shaokunlun   (353 bytes , 16reads )
子非鱼 shaokunlun   (13 bytes , 18reads )
科普下新加坡诽谤的法律 DavidXia20   (852 bytes , 68reads )
我觉得这个男主在华新有好多马甲, cosine   (30 bytes , 24reads )
我也想说,新加坡的诽谤法律还是很严格的 侠气与醉狂   (253 bytes , 24reads )
想不明白 hotpot   (142 bytes , 27reads )
同意,我也想不明白 coderr2018   (171 bytes , 37reads )
同意 看客们比楼主还激动啊 乔巴巴   (20 bytes , 23reads )
+1 shaokunlun   (54 bytes , 28reads )
支持楼主调查到底 侠气与醉狂   (110 bytes , 22reads )
十分同意,少有的明白人之一啊 coderr2018   (5 bytes , 29reads )
危机公关真的有很多学问,楼主越描让我等吃瓜群众越觉得楼主是黑的,坐等实锤 hunter0730   (0 bytes , 18reads )
在国内旅游,删linkedin挺快,现在国内能访问linkedin了? potential1   (26 bytes , 25reads )
然而Linkedin在国内并没有被屏蔽,拜托发帖之前去确认一下基本事实,不要想当然 阿尔维斯   (0 bytes , 23reads )
看贴不认真 shaokunlun   (12 bytes , 26reads )
我发现一个问题 720p   (569 bytes , 33reads )
你所知道的就是一个 shaokunlun   (26 bytes , 23reads )
越来越有意思了 yaoyao8   (210 bytes , 29reads )
吃瓜群众灌水也要株连? shaokunlun   (70 bytes , 22reads )
一出口就是“造谣的小人” yaoyao8   (365 bytes , 20reads )
不是小人女主就出来撕啊 shaokunlun   (50 bytes , 23reads )
继中国停飞波音MAX kusubudo   (88 bytes , 30reads )
神回复 shaokunlun   (24 bytes , 22reads )
再说了如果女生有实锤 shaokunlun   (32 bytes , 26reads )
我猜我猜我猜猜猜 hotpot   (59 bytes , 24reads )
某位前女友 hotpot   (0 bytes , 20reads )
华新没有绿茶,华新女孩有现实的,但都不装 高山流水   (14 bytes , 23reads )
层主好像很有故事。。。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 33reads )
层主太善良了 shaokunlun   (38 bytes , 19reads )
我现在在国内 nomadass   (12 bytes , 223reads )
所以你上的是花心 yaoyao8   (62 bytes , 47reads )
lz一定要来更新进展呀 ikiwiberry   (14 bytes , 22reads )
楼主一定要记得更新到底 kusubudo   (46 bytes , 29reads )
原帖存证 不会飞的云   (199 bytes , 71reads )
这个很奇怪的回答 笑天   (109 bytes , 26reads )
Liushabao   (64 bytes , 19reads )
我也觉得奇怪 yaoyao8   (106 bytes , 16reads )
路人可能不会,但如果看到自己认识的人名在某个论坛热帖里,当然会好奇会询问。 潜飞薄栖   (0 bytes , 34reads )
为啥不会 shaokunlun   (32 bytes , 27reads )
那啥 小麦2016   (49 bytes , 22reads )
邮件联系了论坛,但一直没有回复 llkkgg   (50 bytes , 38reads )
中文也堪忧 shaokunlun   (14 bytes , 31reads )
明明有啊 @侠气与醉狂 shaokunlun   (36 bytes , 28reads )
我不认识楼主啊,只是这种私人隐私的事情放到华新上广播肯定是不对的 侠气与醉狂   (95 bytes , 18reads )
不是忘了 小麦2016   (89 bytes , 29reads )
英文堪忧oversee shaokunlun   (235 bytes , 111reads )
忍住没笑出声。。 小馋牛   (16 bytes , 31reads )
读了两遍,这信写的叫一个别扭。 金沙子   (18 bytes , 23reads )
说来说去 comsol   (16 bytes , 20reads )
看来华新施行实名制刻不容缓(手动滑稽) 阿尔维斯   (0 bytes , 29reads )
楼主都报警了 三好   (91 bytes , 23reads )
沙发 华新又不付责任了吗?目测楼主又荡漾了 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 19reads )
歪个楼 Tridenttt   (173 bytes , 15reads )
靠 华新是个非盈利论坛,是在新加坡社团注册的社团组织而已。 小妖霖霖   (538 bytes , 32reads )
呵呵,版大,如今科技发达 笑天   (73 bytes , 25reads )
如果版主认为我言语过当,我表示抱歉。 llkkgg   (269 bytes , 50reads )
too late... Cogitoergosum   (0 bytes , 24reads )
楼主的感觉十分廉价呢 上嘴唇碰下嘴唇的事儿 功夫熊猫   (91 bytes , 32reads )
ttdd 小妖霖霖   (26 bytes , 26reads )
道歉不就是上嘴唇碰下嘴唇的事么? 阿尔维斯   (48 bytes , 21reads )
呵呵 层主对于道歉的等级只有两个 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 27reads )
那你去给楼主指条明路呗,男人ttdd,不用转弯抹角 阿尔维斯   (0 bytes , 26reads )
我只是嘲讽楼主一会指责版主不删 一会又感谢版主删 功夫熊猫   (26 bytes , 19reads )
这说明楼主幡然醒悟了啊,难道继续杠华新? 阿尔维斯   (0 bytes , 38reads )
华新真惨,删帖也被骂(参见树洞版帖子),不删帖也被骂,删早了被骂删晚了也被骂 小妖霖霖   (31 bytes , 25reads )
哈哈哈 都是命 你懂的 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 14reads )
呵呵 alive   (326 bytes , 39reads )
路人有个疑问 flyjc   (215 bytes , 34reads )
我举个不太恰当的例子吧 alive   (712 bytes , 46reads )
法盲吧?你还真别说没责任 劲往一处使   (491 bytes , 27reads )
不巧,我就是曾经这样的受害者 windwing   (139 bytes , 37reads )
就是说 shaokunlun   (30 bytes , 20reads )
人肉多麻烦,还不如楼主自己去谈 windwing   (28 bytes , 31reads )
人肉也没用,如果是id被盗呢 windwing   (49 bytes , 40reads )
这么说 shaokunlun   (44 bytes , 16reads )
这个要看你诽谤谁 DavidXia20   (32 bytes , 29reads )
层主逻辑堪忧 原来论坛 版面都是版主名下的 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 24reads )
听口气您是法官啊? ggyt   (168 bytes , 81reads )
谢谢您指点 您开心就好 小妖霖霖   (51 bytes , 24reads )
额。。你这个逻辑不太对。 Stella_Yuhan   (530 bytes , 34reads )
这个事情有两个层面 随便转转   (549 bytes , 23reads )
版主讨论的意思其实就是问一下是不是可以完全删帖 需不需要存证等等 小妖霖霖   (373 bytes , 38reads )
我其实没什么问题 随便转转   (507 bytes , 27reads )
不在其位,不谋其政 易风   (84 bytes , 20reads )
不如申请版主吧, 看好你哦~ Cogitoergosum   (0 bytes , 17reads )
谢谢 小妖霖霖   (113 bytes , 28reads )
我有更重要的任务 随便转转   (276 bytes , 18reads )
没说不 shaokunlun   (40 bytes , 20reads )
+1 不然把财经房版一起申请了吧 武汉伢   (40 bytes , 85reads )
财版没有版主是不是说可以随便发广告啥的 冰人   (5 bytes , 23reads )
并不是 没版主的有管理员会删广告 小妖霖霖   (61 bytes , 33reads )
转转的意思就是 shaokunlun   (67 bytes , 24reads )
感觉您是律师? shaokunlun   (32 bytes , 16reads )
不一定对,提供一个思路 随便转转   (56 bytes , 22reads )
版主无责任24小时在线吧 shaokunlun   (70 bytes , 21reads )
要注意到细节但别抠细节 随便转转   (61 bytes , 21reads )
感谢您的回答 手动点赞 小妖霖霖   (53 bytes , 25reads )
支持一下有理有节的回答 shaokunlun   (28 bytes , 22reads )
槽点太多 alive   (27 bytes , 31reads )
沉默是金。。。 这样就对了 劲往一处使   (105 bytes , 18reads )
版主义务帮忙 shaokunlun   (72 bytes , 22reads )
精密答题 三好   (86 bytes , 25reads )
+1支持你一下 甲乙丙丁阿阿阿   (30 bytes , 28reads )
假新闻充斥网络的时代 shaokunlun   (50 bytes , 18reads )
本版为了防止有人不怀好意,是可以检举揭发的 不会飞的云   (56 bytes , 65reads )
版主也不知道怎么操作 没这么多经验,所以几位版主之间相互询问,删帖前需要确认。 小妖霖霖   (67 bytes , 29reads )
理解 Finland12   (14 bytes , 20reads )
板凳搬好了 qqdriver   (6 bytes , 31reads )
shafa 我是老万   (6 bytes , 20reads )
@Tiamo喜碧 随便转转   (14 bytes , 34reads )
目撕大发 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 26reads )
TiAmo —意大利语:我爱你。 shaokunlun   (12 bytes , 26reads )
Hebe(田馥甄)为什么叫喜碧? shaokunlun   (12 bytes , 20reads )
探讨一下动机 shaokunlun   (285 bytes , 25reads )
我觉得是2 明灯   (0 bytes , 19reads )
也可能是1 yaoyao8   (87 bytes , 29reads )
哈哈哈一大早又 小馋牛   (8 bytes , 26reads )
美女早~么么哒~~~ yaoyao8   (0 bytes , 24reads )
哈哈哈 发现知否迷一枚 王妃   (0 bytes , 13reads )
我错了 yaoyao8   (41 bytes , 25reads )
让我们一起 shaokunlun   (18 bytes , 29reads )
这个楼 shaokunlun   (20 bytes , 28reads )