国大的毕业是要是CAP4.5以上,但HONOR PROJECT没拿A-以上会怎么样?
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-10-19 20:29:52  15楼 
Your para is a good pointChosing a good project and shape it to fit oneself or shape onself to fit it is a part of FYP itself. If it is a fixed-topic, fixed-supervisor project it will be a course project, not FYP. Anyway final year students should be able to be dominate on how his/her project goes and what's he/she will achieve rather than let the supervisor tell him. Real world after he/she graduate will be full of "projects" with few "courses" no matter he/she takes academic or industrial career path. Those who can not cope with projects well have higher chances to suffer in the real life. Thus why I agree that FYP is at least as important as CAP.
typo, I mean "your last para is a good point"
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